First Signs Part 2

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Songs POV - "It's a nice, lovely day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. But days like, kids like you. S H O U L D  B E  B U R N I N G  I N  H E L L", that is what Sans said before the final boss fight begun. I really didn't like the idea of killing 'everyone', but it's the only way to get the Megalovania achievement and to fight Sans the skeleton. The music though was, beautiful, very worth listing too on repeat for hours on end. Plus, the boss fight itself is very intuitive but easily underestimated, due to the fact that the enemy 'Sans' has on 1hp. This is how people would end up dying to him on the first run, sometimes even down right rage quitting on the spot. Then again, seeing a monster who has 1hp and can't do a hole tone of damage makes you thing " You know what, I'll let hit me for one hp. What's the worse thing that could happened?". I said to myself as I continue to fight.

| Y'all know how the fight goes, so T I M E S K I P |

After what felt like hours, I manage to defeat sans. I cried, a lot. Before I could continue to regret my life decision I heard a knock at the door. 

"Now who would be visiting on a Sunday afternoon?" I said before getting up to answer the door. I look through the door viewer and to my surprise, it was Benson and Troy. I open the door and said hello.

"Hello boys. What brings you here?" I said to the lovely duo. Troy and Benson look at each other for a second, then they both said "We need to tell you something in private." I nodded and turn around as the duo follow suit. We both take a seat on the couch in the open living space, I took the short end of the couch while the boys take the long side. I look at the two, there was something 'clearly' off about them. It was sending signs of discomfort, worry, and anxiety.

After a second of silence, I decided to break the silence. "Look, I know there is clearly something wrong with you guys, but y'all need to tell me why, so I can help you." I said with a firm but calming voice. They both nodded before speaking, and the first to speak was Troy.   

"You see Song, Benson and I wakeup to have a nice breakfast." Troy explained.

"While we were eating though, I was feeling a bit off." Benson said with hints off concern. 

"That's when he almost pounce on me. Even though I don't mind at all." Troy said. Song didn't catch that last part but left it be, for now. I decided to focus on Benson some more. Since he was the one doing the pouncing and whatnot.

"Benson question, did you had a sudden feeling for hunger or 'lust', when you were near Troy?"

"Well... I felt lustful but at the same time I was extremely hungry, for what... I don't know." Troy and Song sigh at that answer. They where hoping Benson would know why, but after a few more questions they came up short. 

"Now since we go those questions out of the way, how about we go out for a nice walk?" Song said forming a bright friendly smile. Troy and Benson nodded in agreement and all headed out for a walk in the Swamp Fields. It's scenery was an mix of swamp lakes, tall grass fields, some pigmy red woods, and one very large pond which ejected Giga Streams on it's four corners. The inhabits of this area are 'Mega Mute Crocodiles, Mega Mute Carps, Mega Mute Lions, Mega Mute Kolas, Mega Mute Snakes, and lastly Mega Mute Bull Sharks'. Benson was down right scared, {which he should be} not only these wonder beast live here they also co-exist with Bagan and respect. 

"It's almost like they treat him as the king!" Blurted Troy.  

"I know! If anything, the things I saw up to this point, doesn't even come to comparison!" Song said with excitement being un-quelled from inside her. When they got to the entrance, Song said "I'll be in the kitchen, call if you need anything" after entering. The love bird duo took comfort on the very comfy couch, Troy at the moment was thinking about something. Benson on the other was thinking of something more... Fun.

"Is Benson infected by some hormone parasite or-" Troy was cut off by something touching his upper thigh. He looked up to see Benson making eye contact... Very sexual eye contact. Troy was flustered by the look on Bensons face and as on que he stands up, picks up Benson Bride style and carried him into a spared "guest" room. This spared room in particular was upgraded to have sound proof walls for better sleep... And other things too. Troy looked around the room to see if there are any cameras. Song told him days ago that, they added some cameras for extra security. But they have been seeing some, intimate activity in one of rooms. Troy did remember Lio and Song having over Wolf and Kipo, they musta saw the two... Troy was became a hot red tomato after imaging the mere-thought off those two... just...

"So you're imaging Kipo and Wolf going in hmm~" Benson said seductively 

This in returned, made Troy flinch and more red headed then he already is. At this point he might as well be ginger. Benson laughed at Troy's antics and gets off of him, made his way towards an man made Queen sizes bed. It had light purple sheets mixed with brown stars, while the covers where multi-colored like the pride flag. Benson now want's to know if Lio made this for them or Kipo and Wolf? Also the pillows are also color coded, one being the lesbian flag which is pink/red/white, the other being bi-flag which were pink/purple/blue. And then the cherry on top, the bed cover is the non-binary flag coloration which were yellow/white/purple/black. By the way, Benson FUCKING LOVED IT. It was cute, hand made and held Lots of love... Colorful love if I do say. 

Don't mind the Tapir, "they" are looking for there non-binary family and friends

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Don't mind the Tapir, "they" are looking for there non-binary family and friends. He also wants to invite you too! What do you say, friend?

This took a bit of a while but HAY, I got it done and I am proud of it. Yes I love the flags too, even though I'm straight... I could be bi too. Which I am fine with in pure honesty, also LGBTQ rights are W o k e. Have a nice night. 


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