Sweet Morning Part 3

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Wolf & Kipo - 3rd Person - Wolf was on a verge of crying as Kipo was continuing to talk about the future of their kid(s) only to be stop by Wolfs small cries. Kipo tried to comfort her by hugging but was told by Wolf in a hard unforgiving voice, a voice that could stop even the most bravest of mutants. "L E A V E" was the only words that left her body, as if in unison Kipo felt something important left her when taking a step back. 

"W-Wolf I'm sorry i-if I went a bit har-" Before she could finish her sentence she was imminently pounce on by well, a very BIG Wolf, as in a large wild mutant wolf not like the dogs like a actually W O L F  W O L F. Kipo tried to speak to Wolf some how if she can that is.

"-oh god- H-H-Hay wolf, it's me K-Kipo you know the pink haired girl that loves and resp- AH!!!"  

"RRRRGghhaa" was the only thing that Wolf said. Kipo at this moment was pinned down by a 20ft tall wolf that has a death look in it's eyes, just like her Wolf... Wait Her Wolf.

"-Humph, I know what to do- Hay Wolf I know you can hear me and you can be mad at me all you want, but I still love and I know how to show it"

Before mutant Wolf could do anything, she was all of a sudden pinned down by an odd beast but an unforgettable face. Kipo transformed into the mutant Jaguar with it's pink fur, purple spots, and bright pink eyes that sends shivers down anyone's spine if looked face to face. Wolf was  unfazed by this which in returned made Kipo realized of her very, VERY large mistake. She was then pinned down on her back by Wolf who was somehow enjoying this by the sound of her tail wagging ferociously while looking at the big fluffy pink kitty cat, which was Kipo who's tail was also wagging slightly uncontrollably for some reason.

"Purr" was all Kipo said as she nuzzled into Wolf's fuzzy chest. Wolf returned the favor with a lick to the forehead and they begun to cuddle for about 3-5 minutes. Those minutes were, peaceful and stress less until someone ruined it, that someone was...

"K-Kipo?" Mom


What a Cruel World Kipo (In process of being edited)Where stories live. Discover now