Tony, Happy Birthday Peter!

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It was Peter's first birthday at the tower. Of course, Tony knew before May texted him. She asked him to wish Peter a happy birthday for her.
Peter hadn't paid much attention to his birthday ever since Uncle Ben was killed. They used to celebrate together because their birthdays were in the same week. He only noticed after Tony told him happy birthday from him and Aunt May. Peter thanked his mentor and headed off for school.

*Stark/Potts Family group chat
Tony: i think we need to throw a party tonight
Rhody: i thought you stopped being a, what did he call himself?
Pep: idiot?
Happy: endangerment to society?
Tony: Party Animal. and not for me, for Peter. Today's his birthday, i'll keep him busy if you guys can get a good old Avengers Party set up, NO BOOZE.
Pep: Fine, but only cuz the kid is an angel.

*at school
"Happy Birthday Peter." Ned said as they walked down the hall. MJ ran up to them. "He's probably going to have a huge party, he's living with Tony Stark after all." She said, Peter couldn't tell if she was joking or not. He didn't have much time to think about it because he was smacked on the back of the head by none other than Flash Thompson. "Heard Penis Parker was having a birthday party!" he yelled, "anyone invited to his party can come to mine. There'll be an actual roof over our heads too!" Peter wasn't even having a party but he still knew they'd go to Flash's party over his any day. Peter walked into the bathroom, Flash followed. "Tony Stark?" He asked, "you wish." and then Flash threw a punch at Peter. Soon enough, Peter was on the floor being pounded by Flash's friends, or as Peter called them "his minions."
Tony got an alert from FRIDAY. "Boss, Mr. Parker is suffering major blood loss and he has a broken nose. Would you like to suit up?" Tony didn't wait for his AI to finish. he was already off the terrace headed to the school. He stepped out of his suit, leaving it in a tree so nobody could steal it. He walked in with a paparazzi smile, straight into the office. "Mr. Stark! I-i don't know what to say, what are you doing here?" the principal asked. "I needed to speak with my intern, but imagine my surprise when i found out that right now he's bleeding out in a school bathroom." Tony said with a small glare. "How did you kno-" Tony cut him off. "I keep tabs up, check vitals, get alerts on my phone when my employees are in danger. Now can I go get the kid? I need to check him out." Tony said with a charming smile. "Go right ahead." The principal said shakily.
"Flash, someone's coming!" One of the guys said. "Why would anyone care about Penis Parker?" Flash said in almost a mocking tone. Then Flash was pulled backwards, along with the rest of the kids. "Oh my god, is that tony stark?!" Flash gasped. He was so starstruck he fainted. Well that takes care of that problem. Tony mumbled. Of course, Peter heard him (enhanced senses). He let out a giggle. "You okay kid?" Tony asked, worried. "I'm fine Mr. Stark." Peter told him. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I'm checking you out, I have something planned for your birthday." Tony said with a smile.
    "a JET?" Peter asked, an astonished look plastered on his face. "I don't think that i deserve to do this Mr. Stark. I'm just the neighb-" Tony put his hand over Peter's mouth. "We have company, we don't want to look suspicious." Tony said with a fake smile on his face. He waved to the press and strutted onto his PRIVATE JET. "Hey Kid! How does it feel to work with Iron Man?" one guy asked the high schooler.  "It's an honor, Mr. Stark has been a great mentor." Peter answered. "Peter, when someone takes you on their plane, you don't ignore them. Come on Pete." Tony yelled from inside.
     Once they got back from their sightseeing trip, Tony texted Pepper to make sure everything was ready.
"SURPRISE BIRTHDAY BOY!!!!" yelled the OG 6, MJ, Ned, Pepper, Loki, Rhodes, Bucky, T'Challa, and Shuri. Peter knew they were there because of his Spidey Sense, but he didn't say anything. This was the first birthday Peter had enjoyed since Ben died.
     They played Spin the Bottle first. MJ got Peter, Bucky got Steve(he cheated, using his metal arm to make sure the spin was perfectly weighted), Tony got Pepper, but they stopped after Nat got Loki.
     Somehow, Thor was drunk. He went around handing Mjinor to people who weren't paying attention just so they would drop it. When he handed it to Peter though, it didn't drop. "HOLY SHIT!" MJ yelled and pointed to the hammer. Then she grabbed it out of his hand and gave it to Nat. Nat passed it along to Steve who gave it to Wanda who handed it to Bucky. "Wtf guys?" Tony said. Everyone was amazed.

The last paragraph wasn't related, i just thought it would be a good ending to this story! 🥰

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