The Avengers, Career Day

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the cliche careers day story! finally.

Tomorrow was career day in Peter's class. You were supposed to bring in your parents so they could talk about their jobs, but Peter didn't have any parents. Aunt May was still out of town so he couldn't bring her. If he didn't bring anyone in, he would fail the assignment.
"So who are you bringing?" Ned asked Peter after class. "I have no clue, Mr. Stark would never come in a million years." Peter said. Mr. Stark acted like his father-figure more than his mentor nowadays. Peter had been living at the tower for a while now so he was getting closer to the Avengers.
     When Peter got back to the tower he saw a text from Aunt May. "I told Mr. Stark about your career day, he said that he can't make it." Peter read.
     The next day, Peter glumly sat down in his seat. He watched as all the parents presented their jobs. Suddenly the ground started to shake. Is it an earthquake? Iron Man landed in the courtyard. He was accompanied by Steve Rogers, Nat, and Rhodey. Peter couldn't believe it. "It's the Avengers!" Ned yelled. They walked into Peter's classroom and got in line to present their jobs to the class. Everyone could see the grin on Peter's face, no matter how hard he tried to hide it.
     Once they were at the front of the line, the teacher asked them which kid was theirs. Tony pointed to Peter, who was smiling more than before. "Peter Parker, we're here for Peter Parker." Tony said. They presented their jobs. Tony checked Peter out of school early that day.
     When they got in the car, Peter asked them "Did Aunt May put you up to this?" Tony had a puzzled look on his face. "I've been planning my entrance for 2 weeks kid. Your Aunt has nothing to do with this." He said, the others nodding. "You're my kid, you really think I would miss this?"

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