Tony/Bucky, Nightmares

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i had this idea with a friend, @herosdoexist
Tony: Hey underoos!
Peter: hi Mr. Stark
Tony: Do you want to come to the tower? I want to talk to you
Peter: Sure, i'll be there in 10 minutes. Can't text and swing

Once Peter arrived at the tower, he went up to his room to change his clothes. He put on a t-shirt and jeans and walked down to Tony's lab. "Whatcha workin on?" Peter asked, trying not to startle him. "Another prototype." Tony said, motioning him over. "Thinking of adding another targeting system, what do you think?" He asked. Peter nodded. "What about a parachute? I noticed there wasn't one in your suit." Peter was concerned. Is he trying to die? He thought to himself. "Mr. Stark, you're having nightmares again, aren't you." Peter blurted. He didn't mean to bring it up, he just needed to talk to Tony about his own nightmares. "A lot of people living here have them, I'm not special." Tony said with a fake laugh. "Barnes has it worse." He pointed at Bucky standing in the doorway. Peter motioned him over. "I keep having dreams about homecoming night, and," His voice cracked, "the dust." Peter said. He was still a little frightened by Bucky. He didn't even know that Bucky's nightmares were so awful. "Mr. Barnes, what do you dream about?" Peter blurted. Shit. I didn't mean to say that out loud. "I-uh-I have nightmares that I lose control. That i'm in the passenger seat in my body and the other guy uses me to-"Bucky was cut off by Peter enveloping him into a hug.

Here's a short chapter, I'm working on some longer ones rn so i'll get those out soon enough.

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