Natasha, Bullies

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Peter walked into his room. He had a black eye and a busted lip. The only people home were Peter, Bucky, and Nat, the rest of the team was out on a mission regarding the Red Room. Bucky was having one of his "episodes" so he was locked in room all week, leaving Peter and Nat.
Nat knocked on Peter's door. "Hey kiddo, you wanna play uno?" She asked, not yet seeing Peter's face. "No thank you Auntie Tasha, i have some homework i need to do." Peter said. Cute. He thinks he can lie to me. He's definitely been crying, something liquid is in his mouth. He was hit at school. She went over this in her head in less than a minute. "Peter, let me see your face." She demanded. "There's nothing on my face!" Peter yelled. "Who hit you?" Natasha asked him, trying to sound comforting. Peter turned around in his office chair showing Nat his bruise. "Why don't you fight back? You know how, or at least you should. I taught you." She says down on the child's bed. He plopped down beside her and put his head in her lap, her hands combing through his chestnut brown hair. "If i fight back, he will pick a new kid to bully," Peter's voice cracked,"a kid who doesn't have enhanced healing." Peter was in tears now. "молодой паук, всё будет хорошо." (shh young spider, it will be okay.) she said as he dozed off. After she made sure he was comfortable, she checked the security footage from the lobby. She found out the kid's name, school, grade, and apartment building. He was probably in the penthouse since he was making fun of Peter for being poor.
     Nat got dressed as a college student. Hair in a messy bun, lazy outfit, and clear glasses. She stayed in the lobby of Stark Tower all day. When 3:00 came around, no sign of peter. 3:09, he sprinted through the door followed Flash Thompson. "You can't run forever Parker!" He yelled. Nat had seen enough. Right as Flash tried to throw a punch at Peter, Nat caught his fist in her hand. She took him down with ease. Once she had him face down on the ground, she whispered in his ear, "You ever breathe in his direction again, I will find you and snap your goddamn neck just to the point that you survive and are paralyzed." Peter and Flash were the only ones who heard her. Flash ran out of the tower.
     *dinner with the whole team
"and then Auntie Tasha was at the point where if he was a super bad guy she would snap his nec-oh sorry Uncle Thor. I know it's a sensitive subject. Peter said at the dinner table. "Your welcome Мой маленький паук." Natasha said with a smirk. Only her, Bucky, and Peter were fluent in Russian. Since Bucky was still in his room, everyone else had no to clue what she said.

I'm curious, is anyone reading fluent in another language?

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