chapter 31.

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"I see the man I have feelings for. I like you, Harold."

The words come out of Niall's lips easier than he thought it would. Telling Harry he's into him was actually an easier thing to do than he thought it would be. Niall bets it would have been way much harder for him to confess possible feelings for Mr. Mendes, due to the unusual nature of the situation they would have been living, but with Harry Styles, things started hard, but became easy. Not that kind of easiness that makes it all just boring all the time, but the kind of easiness that makes both of them happy. 

Yes, Niall had been aware of Harry's feelings for quite some time, but this part of the story was not important until he felt able to let go of everything that was holding him to the "hate" he thought was existent for the tattooed boy with one-night stands and dark jokes. With everything that's going on now for them, it's easy for Niall to admit when he feels something, even though he's not so sure anymore if Harry would ever reciprocate those feelings.

"Damn, I wish I could've made a song just to make this easier", Niall jokes, knowing it could be something to make Harry laugh, which he does a couple of seconds later. "I'm sorry if it wasn't what you wanted to hear from me or..."

Everything goes static when Harry erases the space between the two of them and kisses Niall's soft lips, using his hands to gently take a hold on Niall's neck just so he won't cut the moment. They seem to smile in the middle of the kiss; it was unexpectedly expected that it would happen sometime in their strange relationship.

They're just glad it happened now.

Their foreheads stick to each other when the kiss ends. Niall's hands take a grip on Harry's lower back, a fond smile on his face meeting the flush on Harry's cheeks.

"Fuck, you taste good." Harry says.

"You haven't met my real taste yet to say it."

"You making a dirty joke, Horan? Oh, the wonders of love."

"I think I already told you that you can call me Niall, right?"

"I don't remember."

"Neither do I."

"You could say it again... just for the formalities.

"You can call me just Niall."

"Okay, Just Niall", they laugh together, again, "what are we gonna do now, Just Niall?"

"Ordinary love stories order us to go out on a date and try to get to know each other in other ways, but I guess that..."

"We already know each other way too well for this", Harry finishes Niall's sentence. "You don't know how much I've been waiting for this moment."

I have an idea of how much, Niall thinks, but the words don't come out. It would kill the chemistry. It's better if he keeps this information to himself for a while. Instead, he places another soft kiss on Harry's lips, still too excited to contain himself.

After that, they hold hands and walk along back to their college room — as if the fact that walking together while holding hands was something they have been doing for ages. The silence feels comfortable for the spare of minutes they take to arrive at their destiny, and no one in the hallways seems to care about what they see — because it already was something they were supposed to be: a couple.

"It's such a shame that Christmas is only for the family", Harold verbally laments, while closing the bedroom door with them inside. "To think of spending another holiday with my father and not with you is really upsetting."

"You will survive, Harold", Niall rolls his eyes, still smiling at the man he shares a bunk bed with. "You survived almost four months without telling me you liked me, and I took only four days to do this. Guess who can survive anything between us?"

"Yeah, I guess it's me."

Niall lays his body on the lower bunk bed, allowing Harry to take a rest right above Niall's own chest. The Irish-born student starts caressing Harry's hair without thinking twice.

"I didn't say it back, did I, Niall?"


"When you said you liked me, back in the park", he mutters, "I didn't say a word."

"The kiss was enough."

"No, I don't think it was enough."

"So what are you going to do about it, Harry?"

"In other times, I think I would say nothing. To share a bed with you like this is kind of proof enough of my feelings, but... I have to say that I like you a lot, Nialler."

"Sorry for that."

"Don't be sorry, it's an amazing feeling!" Harry places his chin above Niall's chest, this time, still keeping a smile on his lips while speaking. "You made me forget about how sad my Christmas will be when you said those words. That's a lot coming from me."

"I guess I should feel... honored to hear this?"

"As you want."

"So I do."

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