chapter 17.

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A heavy headache explodes inside Niall's brain the moment he wakes up in the morning.

"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, I wanna die", he mutters to himself, while still trying to open his eyes without complaining about the ray of sunlight in the outside of the bedroom. "For fuck's sake."

"Tea?" A sultry voice calls him out, and he almost jumps from the bunk bed when he realizes it's just Harry, sitting in front of him with a newly-purchased chair that came from, literally, nowhere.


"I made some tea for myself. Thought you would fancy some, too", he says, offering a cup of lemongrass tea to his roommate.

"You're being nice to me again."

"Do you remember the state of your body when you arrived here late in the night?" An angry tone appears in Harry's voice. "And because of a teacher. How low can you go in life from there?"

"What are you talking about?" Niall is still clearly confused with what he's hearing from the English man.

"Oh. Your best friends brought you here at... 2AM? 3AM? I honestly cannot remember, but they did and they told me what happened."

"Haz, I don't..."

"What did you just call me, Horan?" 

His face becomes intrigued again, the second time he does after waking up and realizing the blond lad was weirdly good-looking while asleep. He felt weird for feeling that, not because Niall was another man — Harry himself decided to stop trying to find a label for his own sexuality a year ago, in his first threesome —, but because his roommate is basically a pain on the ass for anyone who he doesn't like. 

Harry had dreamed for weeks with a totally "peace and love" roommate, a man who he could call any time as a friend. He wanted to be friends with whoever was about to live with him. But when Niall Horan entered that room, it was obvious to him that things would never be so peaceful for them.

"I'm sorry, I'm feeling dizzy at the moment", Niall tries to get up from the mattress, but suddenly his mind goes crazy and he almost falls to the ground. 

He holds himself to the bunk bed to not hit his head and get hurt. 

"You better drink this." Harry hands him the cup, hoping that the blond boy finally gets the message. "It helps me when I drink too much alcohol."

"Wow, you're an alcohol guy, what a surprise", the Irish lad rolls his eyes and sighs, taking a little sip from the tea. "It's perfect. Thank you."

"It's Sunday, so I guess you have nothing better to do than rest in your fucking bed." Harry shrugs, standing up from the chair and walking to the bathroom without further words to be said. "And I don't want to hear no complaining about it, okay?" He screams.

"Bossy?" Niall grumbles, drinking some more tea after that.

"Listen, Horan", the tattooed guy goes back to the bed without brushing his teeth.

Obviously, because he's mad at Niall again, but not in a bad way.

"I'm trying to make up for all the shit I said before, okay? Don't make things difficult here." His eyes express a feeling of plea. "You're confused, I understand, but all this fighting won't lead us anywhere. Don't you agree?"

The young Horan wants to say "yes", but there's something stopping him from opening his mouth.

"I know you do, I can tell by your face." Harry smirks, crossing his arms right above his chest. "You're fucking sick today. Take a day off, your friends will probably take you for lunch and that's it."

"It's just weird."

"What's weird?"

"You. You are a weird man, Styles." Niall smiles back, trying to keep up the peace between them. "But the rules are still on. Don't think you've won this."

"I wasn't thinking about that!"

"I'll pretend that I believe in you", the irony in his voice makes Harold blurt out a shy laugh. "But if you keep being nice to me, maybe I'll give you space to fuck someone at some point."


"You just sounded like a ten-year-old infamous boy who can't wait to bring his friends home to play League of Legends."

"I don't play this game."

"And I'm straight, Harold."

"Oh, so you think you're funny now, huh?"

They both laugh at the same time, but Niall regrets it two seconds later when his head hurts a bit.

"Do you want me to stay here?" Harry asks.

"No, you probably have something else to do, someone to see, don't worry about me. I'll call Louis and he will come over. Probably."


"God knows what he and Liam are up to do today. I don't wanna get in the middle of a future couple."

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