chapter 7.

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A classroom larger than all the houses in which he has lived in his entire life, built in the shape of a small auditorium for 50 listeners and a considerable space for the university professor to teach the contents of his books. This is what Niall Horan finds when he presents himself for his first class at New York University, completely alone, depending only on himself to build his future.

It's the class of music composition, first modulum. The only thing that Niall knows about his new professor is that he's often called "Mr. Mendes" in the hallways, as he had heard people talking about him minutes before getting into the classroom. His mind, however, was not in the same place as the other students, as he was still thinking about Harry Styles. 

Still thinking about the dazzling eyes of his roommate, his selfish behavior, his rude aura and the big amount of tattoos on his body. So many feelings involved and they just met. Niall is aware of how trifling this man should be for him, but at the same time, there's something about Harry that he just can't pretend it's not there.

"Good morning, everyone", a low-pitched voice calls his attention, drawing him out of his confusing thoughts and making him focus on the man who's about to be his teacher for a while.

And, Jesus, it's a fucking handsome dude, Niall thinks, his eyes still wide in shock.

"How come?" A loud voice from near the end of the room calls out. "Aren't you too young to be a professor?"

"Aren't you too old to complain about it?" The older man promptly answers the unknown voice, and everyone exchanges glances with each other from so much silence that it forms in the place after that.

All Niall wants to do is laugh, but he knows it would be wrong to blurt out a laughter in front of the entire room on his very first day there. Still trying to control this, he takes a seat in one of the first rows of students, placing his notebooks and pens on the table.



"Yes, Chloe?"

"This part is boring. Just skip to a more interesting one, please?"

"It starts now, my darling."


"Once again, hello. I'm Shawn Mendes and we're about to get into an interesting journey in the world of music composition. We've got plenty of stuff to do, and I'm pretty sure no one here wants to waste any time, right?"

The white-painted wooden doors creak loudly as a late Harry pushes them to enter the class.

"Oh, you must be fucking kidding me", Niall mutters to himself, muffing out a breath before rolling his eyes.

"Sorry, I'm late, mr. Mendes, I just got stuck in the traffic." Harry's British accent seems to get Niall more and more irritated, but that's not everything.

The only free seat is placed exactly by the Irish lads left side. There's no other choice for Harold, who forces himself to put his things close to Niall's.

"Good morning, motherfucker." These are the exact words Harry uses to greet his roommate - and now, classmate as well.

"You better not bully me right here, Styles."

"What happens if I don't?"

"You never got stuck in the traffic, asshole."


"I can barely recognize you in this story, dad", Taylor takes his turn to talk this time. "You used to curse so much!"

"I still do, I just don't do it in front of you two."

"It makes sense."

"Stop, Taylor, let him continue his story", Chloe basically screams, making the other two in the room look at her with shock in their eyes. "Sorry. Can we go back?"


"Fine. You won this time, Horan."

"And what about the other time that I won? It doesn't count anymore?"

"Open your notebooks and take notes of what you're gonna hear today. Probably I'll talk about something very important that y'all don't wanna miss for... many reasons", professor Mendes exclaims, calling the attention of both Niall and Harry.

He's not gonna ruin my first day, the blond lad says to himself, while writing down in the paper what Shawn is saying out loud in front of the class. He's not gonna ruin it.

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