chapter 22.

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"That's it for today, folks", Mr. Mendes dismisses the class. "But, before you all can go to whatever you're going, may I remind you that there's only two weeks left before the winter starts?"

"And...?" Harry rolls his eyes while giving his teacher a reason to keep talking.

"I want to know how do you all feel about this transition from autumn to winter... with a song." Shawn says, while he's crossing the fingers of his hands. "But, this time, no groups allowed. It has to be a solo composition."

Niall bites his own lower lip, already thinking of what he can do for his homework. Harold, however, looks apprehensive. He tries to control his breath before he gets visibly nervous.

"Quick orientations: do not use computer programs to produce the song. I want it to be the rawest possible song you can ever write for this class, and I want it to come straight from your hearts. Writing is about emotion. Writing is therapy. And music is your therapist."

"Beautiful words, Mr. Mendes." Niall smiles to his teacher while saying those words.

"Thanks, Mr. Horan." Shawn looks back to the rest of the classroom. "Any questions?" When not a single soul answers to his plea, the professor dismisses everyone with just one glance.

Harry runs after his roommate, with agony exploding from his eyes.

"Niall, Niall, Niall", he calls for the blond guy on the hallway, while holding his left shoulder. "Niall, Niall, Niall!"

"Yeah, I understand that's my name", the young Horan rolls his eyes and sighs, turning back to face Harold. "What's up?"

"I can't write this shit alone."

"Harry, you have to", Niall breathes deeply, finishing his sentence right after that. "Mr. Mendes would punish you with bad grades for that."

"How do you expect me to do something smart on my own?"

"You already do this all the time. Standing up for your selfish shit when we're fighting in our bedroom. Getting whoever you want to your bed just for an one-night stand."

"I didn't get you to my bed yet, Horan."

Niall rolls his eyes, while controlling his breath so he won't scream out loud what he knows about the feelings that his roommate feels for him. Control the fuck out of yourself, he mutters to himself, while still facing Harry in the eyes.

"I won't do this for you. Sorry."

"Could you at least give me a hint on how to start a song?" Harry is still holding on to his newfound friend. "You were the one who started it the last time, so I don't really know how to do this."

"For what reason you decided to study music in this shit if you can't even write a song?"

"I have the potential. All my friends told me I have potential."

"So you just never had someone to guide you through it."

"That's the point, Horan."

"I see. So you want a tip?"


"Think about something that happened to you", Niall starts explaining his advice, looking away from Harold's eyes so his own mind can remain focused on the words. "Then think about how you felt when this something happened, then you go to a dictionary and find words that rhyme and explain how you felt. I used to do this when I started writing songs. My dad bought me two dictionaries and it helped me a lot with the words I wanted to use in songs, you know? I think it may help you, too."

Harry ponders over what he just heard from Niall, and considers it a good idea coming from someone who, days ago, couldn't even stare at his roommate's face without throwing up in disgust. Suddenly, the feelings that the Styles lad had been trying to sink inside his brain come back stronger, and he sighs quickly before waving Niall goodbye and walking his own way to the nearest Starbucks.


"How did you know he had thought about his feelings for you in this moment, dad?" Chloe asks, clearly curious about it.

"I just took a guess." An older Niall shrugs. "Now it's time for the two of you to take a rest. Good night, my little angels."

"We're not little." Taylor complains.

"Neither angels." His sister finishes his thought out loud.

"What are you talking about? Did you guys commit another crime?"

"Not at all, dad. But you may have done one."


"By not telling us how you knew Harry was thinking about you when you told him how to write a song." Says Taylor, crossing his arms right above his chest.

"Look, it's just the kind of thing you think about when you know someone has feelings for you. You just... start to create conspiracy theories in your head all the time. Every single moment of interaction between me and him could be a time where I would try to guess what he was thinking."

"Did he ever give you a confirmation of it?" Asks Chloe.

"Not exactly. But I knew. And he knew, too."

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