chapter 4.

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"Holy shit, Louis!" Niall is the first one to put on a happy face. "I didn't know you would study here."

"You never asked, Heineken", Louis replies back, using the nickname that Niall's close friends at high school gave him.

Long story involving a late night party, two Heineken bottles and Niall's first kiss. They don't talk about it between themselves, but if anybody asks, Louis Tomlinson is the first one to raise up a finger and tell the entire story. Niall used to be mad at it; he would curse the whole world just to stop his best friend from talking about it.

However, by the final days of high school, he stopped caring about it. He thought that kind of reputation wouldn't come with him to college, and so he decided to leave it there.

They share a tight hug before Louis invites Niall to buy a coffee while they talk. For a moment, the Irish guy doesn't remember the reason why he left his bedroom, but now he's thankful he did it. Soon they reach the closest Starbucks store from the NYU.

"So, I guess you finally decided what you wanted to do", Niall is the first one to start a proper conversation. "Because last time I checked, all you wanted to do was travel around the world and kiss people and break up with people and live by yourself... or something like that."

"Still got a good memory, don't you?" They both laugh. "So, there was this day when mom wnet into my room and asked if we could talk about it. Just one last time. And I thought she still wanted to change my mind about my plans for my future, and yeah, I was kinda right. Until she started talking about her own plans for life. They were totally different, she wanted to attend college and get graduated and be a law judge or something like that, but she had to change all of this because she got pregnant with... well, me."

"So you just felt guilty."

"Yeah. First, because I didn't want to repeat her mistake; second, because I didn't want her to see her son failing miserably; and third, it would be a terrible way of life to inspire my sisters. Imagine if the girls decide to drop college on the first year because of me? Hell to the motherfucking no."

"Totally right, dude", Niall says, checking his order with the cashier of the store. "Good morning. Can I have a macchiato, please? Lou, what will you order?"

"A mocha, please", Louis replies. "So, yeah, I decided to come and try something at NYU. Mom almost fell on the floor when the acceptance letter came home."

"Do you see now how important were all the times I tried to teach you stuff from school, you dumbass?"

"Stop, Horan", Louis rolls his eyes and sighs, putting his hands inside his jeans' pockets.

Once their cups of coffee are on their hands, the two friends walk out of the store, preferring to drink their coffees while walking around the neighborhood.

"So, Heineken", Lou makes Niall laugh one more time with the reference, "are you going to study the motherfucking music the way you always wanted to?"

"Yup", the blond man agrees, "although I'll probably need another place to study quietly rather than my bedroom."

"Bad roommate?"

"Bad first impression of a roommate, I guess", he shrugs, "he's not exactly peaceful with his words."

"Name, age and social media accounts. Now. I'm going to stalk that man until he surrenders."

"I don't think your threats will be necessary, Tomlinson. But I think I'll go to your room more times than a normal student should."

"I think you'll like the man who shares the bunk bed with me. He was literally waiting for me to arrive at NYU so we could separate our personal stuff in the room, can you believe?"

"Sounds like a dream coming true... for me, not for you."

"What are you talking about?"

"You know..." Niall raises an eyebrow to his friend. "Soon he will discover that you're extremely sloppy with room organization."

"Sounds like an offense to me!" Louis slightly slaps Niall's shoulder. "I won't switch roommates with you, Niall."

"I wasn't going to ask that!"

"Oh, you were."

The moment when they smile at each other is when they remember why they became friends so quickly three years ago. It's easy for Louis to understand Niall's thoughts, and the Mullingar boy always feels like his friend is like the older brother he wish he could've had ever since he was born. When the young Horan introduced Lou to his parents, right before Bobby and Maura's divorce, they genuinely thought the Doncaster lad was actually Niall's boyfriend.

It took two long hours until Niall's parents finally understood they were just very close friends.


"I can't even imagine uncle Lou being your boyfriend, dad", Taylor says, briefly interrupting the story.

"Neither I can", Chloe agrees with her brother.

"I know that, right?" An older Niall laughs along with his children. "But, fun fact: my first kiss was with him."

"WHAT?" Both sibilings scream at the top of their lungs.

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