chapter 12.

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Sitting on the sidewalk in front of a Starbucks store, Niall Horan patiently waits for someone to go there catch him up. This someone in particular is supposed to be Harry Styles, and the plan that came up on Lou's mind consists of figuring out if Harry will show up to see Niall on his "first date" with "an unknown person" or not. If he does, it means Harry actually cares way too much about his roommate's romantic life. If he does not, then it will all be just a waste of time for all the people involved on this story.

The blond lad knows he shouldn't have listened to Louis. You shouldn't expect any kind of good things when it comes from a guy who calls you Heineken all the time, he mutters to himself, while looking at the almost empty street at such a late hour of the night. (It's still 8PM, but he already believes it's late.) 

He's still holding the latte cup he bought a few minutes ago, so he could take sips in between thinking he's crazy for stressing himself out for such a little thing and believing Harold has something against him enough to keep them close almost all the time. His mind has been confusing ever since Harry came into his life. And he doesn't want to think about it again. Not when Harry Styles is, obviously, the type of womanizer that should be avoided for the entire humanity - even though Niall himself doubts that the British lad is 100% straight.

"I told you", a well-known voice by Niall is heard. "He wouldn't make it."

Once the young Horan turns around to face him, he suddenly remembers why all of this is happening. So, instead of laughing out loud and teasing him for falling for the prank, Niall only shrugs, keeping a serious expression on his face. His sad attitude calls Harry's attention, and he sits next to his roommate on the sidewalk.

"Were you into him like that?"

"Not like that, but", Niall answers him, "but there was a flame."

"I think I was harsh on you." Harry's words take Niall by surprise. "When I said those things before, I was actually pissed off about something else, and I took it all on you."

"Pissed off?"

"Mom's call", he closes his eyes for a couple of seconds, "you know, she's the one who made me come to NYU."

"I guess you didn't want to."

"Yeah. We had an argument over it. I wanted to stay in London, try something there, maybe create a band and going on the road with them, playing for anyone who would want to listen to what we had to say. She was totally against that, and she called me today to ask how I'm dealing with the university."

"And you yelled at her again."

"How can you interpret those things from my story?"

"I wonder what people want to say before they say it. I do it all the time." Niall takes another sip from his coffee, still avoiding Harry's eyes for an unknown reason to him.

Maybe there's something in his eyes that may kill me, he thinks.

"I won't say I understand you, but you're forgiven." The blond guy says, and he sees a shy smirk on Harold's lips. "But rule number three: don't be annoying like that again."

"Only if you do it, so." He lets out a little laugh. "So I guess your date will not show up."

"Yeah. That dickhead", Niall rolls his eyes, standing up from the sidewalk. "I think we should go back to the bedroom. There's nothing else to do."

"Wait", Harry grabs Niall's shoulder before he walks away. "The night is not entirely lost, you know."

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