chapter 9.

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"Hi, dad", Niall speaks first on the phone call. "How's everything there? Is Scully behaving well?" He asks, talking about the dog he had to leave at his father's house. "Oh, tell him that I miss him too. I wish I could have a proper home here in New York, so I could bring Scully with me. Yeah, you could come, too. You two are the only ones I can count on for anything, right?"

Right in the middle of the call, Harry opens the bedroom's door with a woman standing right behind him. They seem to be smiling at each other with second thoughts in their minds, while she's softly speaking to him. At first, Niall is still distracted by the voice of Bobby on his phone, but as soon as he watches his roommate along with exactly the same girl from the other day, the Irish lad storms them out with one of the pillows in the bed.

"Fuck off! No sex allowed!" The younger Horan screams, while the call is still going on. 

Harry only laughs, still closing the door and kissing the girl again.

"Dad, I'm sorry, my trifling ass roommate is trying to have sex with a mindless woman in here and I have to stop them. Can I call you tomorrow? Yeah. Bye. Love you." He then throws his cellphone at the mattress, jumping from the bunk bed as he slaps Harry in his face. "I can't fucking believe in what's happening now."

"You didn't come up with this rule before, so I thought--" The British lad's voice is interrupted by another slap coming from Niall. "Stop beating me!"

"Will you find another place to do whatever you want with her?" No answer comes from him. "So I'll still be slapping you until you stop."

Silence. For five seconds. Until someone speaks out.

"You better not call me again", it's the girl in the room, "this is so embarassing, I have no words."

"You shouldn't be embarassed because of my shitty roommate, Perrie", Harry promptly tries to calm her down by putting one hand over her right shoulder, but she brushes it off.

"I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about the dude with the Irish accent." She says, trading eyes at Niall.

"Oh, finally someone who cares about me!" He shares a smile with her, taking only two steps to stand beside her.

"You two are against me? Really?"

"Look at him, Harry!" The woman named Perrie cups Niall's face, and he ends up laughing at this act. "He's too young and too cute to understand what we're about to do. I bet he's a virgin. I don't wanna ruin his thoughts about sex."

"How do you know I'm a virgin?" The blond guy asks.

"Are you a virgin?" Harold basically blurts it out.

"None of your business, asshole", Niall points his middle finger at Harry's nose.

"You wouldn't mind about this entire situation if you were not a virgin. I see it in people's eyes."

"I'm Niall Horan." He extends his right hand to her.

"Perrie Edwards, nice to meet ya", she pushes him for a tight hug instead. "You look like you're a nice guy."

"I like to believe that I am."

"Hello? I'm still here!" Harry pulls them away from the embrace. "This is a nightmare. Literally, a nightmare."

Both Niall and Perrie laugh at this, and she holds hands with him to lead him out of the bedroom. 

"I'm so sorry you had to see this", she tries to apologize, but he shakes his head in a negative way.

"It's okay. I wonder how the fuck you met him."

"Fraternity party. I'm part of one." She shrugs, walking along with him through the hallway. "He's like a heavenly view, but a total hell in the inside, you get me? We hooked up a couple of times at my house, but it was starting to be annoying for all the other girls who live with me. So he said we could do it at his room."

"It obviously didn't go well. I should be sorry for you."

"It's okay. I wonder how the fuck you haven't killed him yet."

"I try to focus on all the other things that involve NYU. Like, I'm here to become a better musician, right?" Niall puts up a fond smile on his face. "So I do everything to stop him from ruining my days. But he also studies at one of my classes, so..."

"I can imagine it's being hard to deal with him. He's not much of a talker." She completes his sentence.

"Don't you hate guys like this?"

"I do. But the sex is good."

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