chapter 11.

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"I can't believe he really had the guts to say that to you", Liam says, letting out a sigh right after. "I mean, I truly believe. Men can say shitty things sometimes and I speak for myself."

"Like that day when you told me you didn't like David Bowie's songs?" Louis strikes back verbally.

"You don't like Justin Timberlake's albums even after I made you listen to all of them. This is not a topic to discuss now."

"So beautiful, the gay couple arguing right in front of me", Niall uses some sarcasm in his words, "and totally forgetting the presence of their friend!"

"Sorry, Heineken, but this roommate of yours is such a dickhead sometimes!" Lou complains, hitting the lunch table with his right hand by impulse.

Thankfully, no one is paying attention to their discussion.

"Just sometimes?" The Irish lad rolls his eyes while saying those words. "It's all the time. Even when you think he's being polite, he's actually being sarcastic. God, I need a job."

"A job? Why?" Liam asks.

"Because by having a job, I could keep some money to myself until the day I can rent an apartment for myself." He shrugs, drinking another sip from his cup of orange juice. "I mean, I totally gave up on hoping that Harold starts being somewhat nice to me. It won't happen."

"I've got an idea." Louis blurts out, calling the attention from his friends. "Let's see how much Harry cares about you... or not."

"No, Tomlinson. It's not an option. You always give me terrible ideas."

"It's gonna work this time, I promise", he pouts, intertwining his hands with Niall's. "Trust me."

A few hours later, Niall and Harry are at the bedroom. While Harold is sleeping peacefully in the top bunk bed, the blond guy is sitting at his mattress, thinking about the advice Louis gave him earlier in the day. It's a risky idea, he knows it very well, but at the same time, it can help him understand why Harry has been so harsh lately.

He suddenly gets up from bed, almost hitting his head at the upper one, but still managing to stand on his feet while looking at his roommate. It's time.

"Styles." He carefully pinches Harry's shoulders, trying to wake him up. "Styles."

"You won't get anything from me if you keep pinching me." He answers, his eyes still closed.

"I'm going out. If I take too long to come back, you better be worried." Niall says, trying to put some drama in his words.

"What are you talking about? Are you going to kill someone?" The British lad sits on his bed in a sudden, intertwining his own fingers for no apparent reason.

"Not exactly."

"Horan, if you're annoying me in the middle of the night, you better tell me why."

"A date."

Harry starts laughing. Loud laughs fill the room, and it makes Niall a bit uncomfortable with that. Not a bad disconfort, just a weird one.

"Who the hell would like to go out on a date with such an annoying man like you, Horan?"

"Well, if you're saying that, it's better if I don't tell you who I'm going to meet", Niall shrugs, putting his phone on the left pocket of his black pants. "Also, if a friend of mine comes here asking where I'm at, don't tell him."

"You're asking me to lie."

"You look like a good liar, prove me this time."

"Fine. Whatever I need to do so you can get out of my way." Harry huffs, laying down again. "I'm going back to sleep. Goodbye, Horan."

As soon as Niall leaves the room, he runs without thinking twice. It's part of the plan: disappear from everyone's sight at the building, so no one can really tell Harry later what happened. It's also part of the plan to pretend he's going out with someone.

He wants to see how much Harry Styles hates his own roommate.


"Dad." Chloe calls him.


"Tell me you didn't put into practice one of those terrible ideas that uncle Lou always has for us."

"Well, then I'm not going to say a word."

"You really did it! I can't believe that, for God's sake", Taylor screams, and his sister throws her pillow at his face.

"Shut up, it's almost midnight!"

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