Chapter 24

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I knew that I was in a dream as I stood in the middle of a field. It was breathtaking. Something I haven't seen before. The sky was a pure blue that was painted with fluffy clouds. Surrounding me as far as I can see was a sea of pink flowers. They danced in the breeze. The scent of the flowers were sweet and intoxicating. Everything seemed peaceful.

"You're alive?" A voice said breathlessly as if they were shocked. "Oh, it's not you."

I turned around, frowning at the male that wasn't there before. He was tall, dressed in dark red leather armor. A white mask was placed over his face. The eyeholes were too small for me to see his eye color. Bright red hair swayed in the breeze. He stayed still as if he didn't want to scare me but something about him seemed familiar.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

He was silent. "You can call me Drakon for now. Who are you?

I frowned. "Sang. Where am I?"

"I don't know." He shrugged, making me blink at him. "I can't really say, but it's where you are needed. It's been so long since I've talked to someone."

Blinking at him, I pursed my lips. "Not wanting to rain on your parade, but why am I here?"

Drakon tilted his head. "I don't know."

He tilted his head in the other direction. "Hmmm, you're stronger than I thought you would be, but you're not strong enough."

I raised my eyebrow. "Eh?"

He hummed. "Maybe I should tra-"

"Sang, wake up," a voice whispered, drawing me from my strange dream. I yawned before opening on of my eyes to see a grinning Nathan. I groaned before rolling back into the warmth of my sheets. A finger poked me. "Sang."

I growled. "Nathan, I'm warning you. If you don't give me a good explanation in the next five seconds, I am going to yeet you over the balcony. Fiv-"

"We're having a secret meeting," he whispered.

Sighing, I sat up in bed. I yawned, rubbing the sleepiness from my eyes. He smiled and chuckled. "You're too cute, Sang. But we need to hurry up."

"You just don't wake a girl up at three in the morning and expect her to be wide awake, Nate," I said sleepily.

He smirked. "Do you want me to give you a piggy back ride?"

I looked up at him. His blue eyes were teasing me, but little did he know that I really wanted him to carry me. I nodded, and he blinked in surprise before turning his back towards me. Almost lethargically I climbed onto his back.

I felt a small shock of surprise when I felt the muscles underneath his clothes. He quietly made his way out of my room and into the hallways. I wrapped my arms around him, laying my head against his back. God, all of them were so well built.

Amara yawned. I know right? They're like sex gods. Can you imagine what they're like in be-

I cut her off. Amaraaaaa, it's too early for your comments.

She rolled her eyes at me. Well, it's true.

"Nate! Is she alright?" A voice asked in worry when we stepped into a room. I lifted my head, wearily staring at eight faces looking at me in varying degrees of worry.

I gave them a dopey smile. "Hiii."

Luke smiled as he stepped up next to us. "Hey, Sang. You look tired."

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