Types of Shifters and their Powers

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All can use basic 4 element spells: water, fire, earth, wind

Mana pool- the amount a shifter has to manipulate that energy to form magic

it may take time to control and can drain the user and cause fatigue

mana is a power that one may need to study

the strength and quantity of mana depends on influence and authority one has

control, discipline, and restraint are extremely important. unconscious, emotion-influenced, impulsive, or reckless use of this power can be catastrophic.

users' emotion may affect the magic directly

distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon knowledge, skill, and strength of user an their power's natural limits.


o They can transform into immaterial form and attack others. They innately have the gift of knowledge and illusions.

o They are not tied to their lamp but are possessive of it.

o When they reach gold level, some gain creation magic and can slow down or even stop time for a few minutes


o They have the ability to heal themselves and others. They can create barriers. They are one of few who can use nature magic.

o When they reach gold level, their spells for basic 4 element spells are doubled. Their nature magic becomes almost unrivalled. Barriers become almost unbreakable. 


o They are covered in flames from hell which they can use to his will. Their sense of smell is higher than most shifters. Their flames can burn through most material and any harmful spells thrown at them.

o Gold level can create minions from their hellfire.

Light fae

o They are one of few shifters who can use light energy to be used in any form. Their power, agility, speed, and strength are tripled. They have self-regeneration.

o Gold level can transform their body into light.

Dark fae

o They are one of few shifters who can use dark energy to be used in any form. Their power, agility, speed, and strength are quintupled (5x). They have self-regeneration and can still be alive even after their head is separated from body.

o Gold level can transform their body into shadow.


o They are the only ones who can use holy magic which can defeat/nullify most magic. Only a few can use light magic. They also have weapon creation. Their tears can heal and feathers can be used as a token to be used to protect in dire times.

o Gold level has Command, which controls other shifters that are less powerful than them.


o They can use dark flames which are hotter than hellfire. They have a higher resistance to damage and can control demons that pledge allegiance to them.

o Gold level can affect temperature and control ice.

Nemean Lion

o They are more powerful than regular lions. Their bodies both inside and outside cannot be hurt by anything except for other Nemean Lions. They can generate electricity/lightning around their body. Their resistance to damage is high and their teeth and claws are deadly.

o Gold level can exert their electricity and lightning to their surroundings which they can use to fly.


o They can manipulate others through their singing. They can fly fast and their talons can tear through material easily. They also have a higher magic pool which can affect their intensity of their singing or range of those they affect.

o They are rare. Only 7 are alive. They are created when a pink level witch and pink level siren procreate.

o Gold level has a fast mana production rate and self-healing.


o They can control lightning and storms. They can create tornadoes and damaging winds with a flap of their wings. Their air magic is significantly higher than other flying shifters. They also have self-healing.

o Gold level can transform partially. One of their feathers which remain in human form can heal or lock one's powers if they are touched with it.


o They are deadly and fast. They can create wormholes and travel safely through them even after they are closed. They can transform partially.

o Gold level. If their feathers turn gold, they can transform into mithril which is the hardest material. If their feathers turn silver, they can become invisible. If their feathers turn blue, they have a marine form. If they have a combination of colors, they have both or all abilities.

Grim Reapers

o They are known to transport souls to the underworld. During a fight they can collect souls into their scythes and decide later whether to transport them to hell or to bring them back to life. They are not affected by death spells.

o Their form is skeletal with a black robe, wings, and scythe.

o Gold level doubles their abilities. If their wings turn diamond, and have glowing blue markings under their eyes which mean that only shifters on par of their power can defeat them. If they know how.


o There are five types of Mer:

§ Atlantic. They have the strongest gift of water manipulation from existing source and spell casting of water element.

§ Mediterranean. They have the strongest gift of aquatic life manipulation which can control marine life from creatures that dwell in shallow water to ones who dwell in the abyss.

§ Pacific. They have the strongest gift of ocean magic which can wield magic powers related to the oceans, allowing for magical control over oceans and their aspects.

§ Arctic. They can use ice magic. Since they are in the cold regions, the user is capable of utilizing unlimited magical powers.

§ Deathsingers.

· They are similar to sirens but only have one song- the death song of their opponent.

· They are the only ones who can create water, not from already existing sources. They can also use blood magic/manipulation.

o gold level of first four have higher ability. Only Deathsingers can have lunar magic (moon related magic that can use lunar energy to infuse lunar energy/substances in physical combat, gain strength from the moon, heal self or others by using the lunar elements or moon itself, and can block out moonlight, or can even take control of water away from other water users.)

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