Chapter 6

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I woke up, knowing I was no longer in the Forest. I was inside a bedroom. The mattress I was currently on was like laying on a cloud. The sheets were soft and silky. I looked around the room, noticing the extreme grandeur. A crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling. The room was coated in a soft pink, and gold curtains hung from the windows. Twisting my body, I set my feet down, and immediately yanking them up at the soft fuzzy floor. I looked down to see a furry rug. I poked at it. It wasn't an animal skin but made from fabric. I strode to the window, blinking at the view. I was definitely no longer in the Forest. A garden that was acres long and wide sat below my window. Beyond the garden was a wall.

I scratched my arm, finally noticing that I was also no longer in my usual clothes. I was dressed in silk pajamas. My eyebrow twitched. Those boys better not have been the ones to change my clothes. If so, there would be one less male in the world.

The door opened behind me, and a gasp rang through the room. I turned to see a woman standing there. She was tall with brown hair. Her brown eyes reminded me of a deer. In fact, from what Amara was smelling, she was a deer shifter. She was dressed in a black dress with a white apron. She bowed. "Lady Sang, you're awake."

I blinked again at her words. Lady? Hell, no. I growled and stomped towards her. "Where the fuck am I? Wait, what's your name first?"

She blanched. "My name is Karen, and I have been your maid for the past three days. We are in the palace in the Capital."

"Who changed my clothes?" I yanked at the pink shirt.

She bowed her head. "I did, Lady Sang. Would you like to take a shower and get dressed?"

I saw the bath inside the bathroom. I waved her away. "No, I can do it myself. Can you tell the men that brought me here that I am awake? I want to go back to my home."

Karen looked confused before nodding and exiting my room. I quickly made my bath and scrubbed myself. My hair felt so clean and soft with the shampoo that was in here. The scent was soft and slightly musky. I sighed, resting against the wall of the tub. The bubbles covered everything below the water. I was almost asleep again when the bathroom door burst open.

I screamed, my sword already in my hand as the person stumbled to a stop. I growled at the man with blonde strands in his hair. Blue eyes took me in and widened. His mouth dropped open and he seemed frozen.

I felt the fire begin to rise. I growled. "Get out."

"Sorry," he yelled as he turned around. "I knocked on the door, and when you didn't answer, I got worried. Fuck, I'll see you outside."

Frowning that I got interrupted, I wiped myself dry before getting out. I looked up in exasperation when I noticed that I forgot a change of clothes. Wrapping a towel around myself, I opened the door, bracing myself for the man in my room. My eyebrows went up in surprise as the lack of anyone in my room. Quickly, I ran towards the door and flipped the lock. Moving quickly, I went towards the drawers. Dozens of bras and panties of different fabrics and colors sat in the wooden drawers. Grabbing a light blue bra and underwear, I clothed myself with the basics before moving to the closet which held dresses. My lips snarled at the sight. I flipped through the clothes when I noticed a pair of pants in the back. The jeans were soft and fit perfectly. I found a lilac top that was flowy.

A knock at my door had me calling forth a dagger from my space pocket. Unlocking the door, I saw nine men standing in front of the door. I widened the door and stared at them. Sean was the first to speak. "Pookie, you look good."

I blushed. "Thank you, Dr. Green."

He huffed. "Now, none of that. My name is Sean. Repeat after me. Ssseeeaaannn."

I smirked. "Dr. Sean."

He frowned playfully then chuckled. "Sassy."

"How are you feeling, Sang," the nerd spoke. What was his name again?

I nodded. "I'm feeling better, Cody."

Several of the guys burst out laughing and my face burned at my mistake. "I'm sorry."

The hot nerd smiled kindly. "I don't blame you. You had a hard time. My name is Dakota, but you can call me Kota."

"Thanks, Kota," I said softly. I turned towards Victor. "So this is your whole family? No more?"

Victor's eyes burned with humor. "Other than a few siblings and parents, this is our chosen family."

I nodded, and stepped aside, letting them into the room. Inside me, Amara deemed us to be safe and decided to watch them. "What are you guys?"

Victor smiled. "Well, you know that I am a devil." Suddenly his eyes turned a bright and solid orange. "I'm his devil, Caleb."

I nodded at him, smiling. Silas went next. His animal was already in control. His gold eyes raked down my body. "I'm his Nemean Lion, Leo."

Nathan was next. He closed his eyes and when he opened them, amber eyes gazed at me. A soft smile spread across his face. "I'm the archangel, Levi. It's nice to meet you, Sang."

Luke snorted. "Smooth, Levi." He turned towards me. His eyes bled to midnight blue. In a deeper voice, he spoke. "I'm Kearn, darling. I'm a dark fae, and I thank you for giving Luke and North a chance."

I smiled at his blunt honesty. "Thank you for trusting me enough to reveal yourself, Kearn."

North was scowling but when he saw me looking at him, his gaze softened. His eyes brightened to where they looked like diamonds. My breath caught as the fae smiled faintly. "I am Solas, my lady. I am a light fae."

Kota sighed. His eyes turned into a bright red, and flames seemed to flicker within his hair. He sniffed the air and smiled. "You smell wonderful. I'm Havoc, Dakota's hellhound."

Sean seemed to be jumping in excitement. He smiled and closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes, I blinked in shock at the pink irises. "I'm Alistair. How old are you? You know, you're pretty. Will you be my girlfriend? Oof-" He was interrupted from his questions when a pillow was thrown at his face. He turned to me with a sheepish smile. "Sorry. I'm Alistair. I'm an alicorn."

I felt my eyebrows melt into my hairline. "Alicorn? A unicorn with wings?"

Alistair smiled ."Yep. Yep."

He started onto Kota's hellhound who pleaded with me with his red eyes to help him. I gave him a wink before turning towards Gabriel. His eyes were already changed into a seafoam green. He gave me a reserved smile. "I am Noah. I am a spellsinger."

"A spellsinger?" I don't think I've ever heard of that type of shifter.

Noah gave me a small smile. "My kind are rare. We are only conceived between a high level siren and high level witch. There are only five of us in this universe. When we sing, our spell can take hold of everything within our sights."

I smiled at him. "Thank you, Noah."

I turned towards Mr. Stick-up-his-ass. I waited for him. without moving, his eyes shifted to a glowing silver that always seemed to change to different shades of gray. Black markings also appeared onto his skin. Tribal like markings appeared underneath his left eye and went down his neck. I couldn't see how far they went but I could see the markings on his hands. In a sultry voice, he spoke. "I am Royal, a djinn."

My eyebrows skyrocketed upwards. A djinn. They were insanely powerful. They can bend reality to some point and can grant wishes. I smiled as Amara started to rise. I felt the change as Amara came to the surface. She whispered just to me. Our secret is safe, Sang. Trust me.

I know that my eyes turned violet. Warmth filled me. In a deeper and smoother voice, Amara spoke. "My name is Amara, and I am Sang's shifter. I am a bat shifter."

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