ch. 16

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The night passed, and soon it was morning. I woke before the sun appeared in the horizon. After quickly eating and getting a shower, I dressed in the uniform that Headmaster Roberts had given me. My thoughts went back to when I went back to my room after dinner last night. Gabriel had gone through with his word and had gotten me a new wardrobe of all types of clothes. The clothes that he had prepared for me towered over me. There were so many pieces of clothing, but several pieces had immediately caught my eye.

A few hours later, I was walking along with Gabriel and his eight guards. Eyes landed on him and his entourage before they noticed me. A uncomfortable feelings bloomed inside me as their eyes didn't move away from me. I guess they were shocked not only at the new and unfamiliar girl among the prince and his party but also at my unique uniform.

I smoothed my hand down the black skirt that flared out and came above my knees. My top was long-sleeve, button-down shirt. It was different than the others because my top was a light and a soft white. A hot pink ribbon was tied around my neck. Karen had come earlier to do my hair and arrange into soft curls. My hair was braided back on my left side which showed an ear cuff that Gabriel and the others had gifted me. The piece of jewelry crawled up my ear with jewels of diamonds. With my hair pulled back, the piece of jewelry glittered. When I received this present from Gabriel, it piqued my interest because the pieces of jewelry emitted a faint touch of magic. I didn't know what kind of magic it was but it didn't seem harmful. Karen had pulled a pair of black ankle boots that were very comfortable in. The final piece of the uniform was the black double breasted blazer. On the shoulder was a gold emblem of the nation's symbol which was a sunburst. On the lapel of my blazer was a sword and shield etching.

I glanced at the person next to me which was Silas. His hair was swept back into a neat half-up ponytail. His uniform formed to his large figure and broad shoulders, magnifying his attractiveness. His uniform was slightly different than mine. He wore black trousers and his top was also white. A bright gold tie was around his neck, and he also wore a black blazer with the same emblems on his shoulder and lapel.

A glance at the people staring at me drew some information. No one else had the sword and shield emblem on their blazer, but had the sunburst on the shoulder. They also wore different colored ribbons or neckties. There were blood red, black, metallic silver, and orange.

Reaching out, I tugged on Silas' sleeve, making him look down at me with a questioning expression. I pointed at my lapel. "What does this emblem mean?"

"Aggele mou," he said as he took my hand in his large hand. His warm hand was comforting. "It's only for us who are part of the Prince's Guard."

Nathan who was walking behind us spoke. His hand grabbed my other hand, making his cypress scent stronger. "We are often looked down because most of us grew up as commoners, but they are careful because we are always around Gabriel. It also helps that our powers more stronger than theirs."

Kota glanced behind his shoulder. "But you should be careful. You are the first Pink rank, and I can guess that they think that you are false." His expression turned a bit mischievous which made a smile crawl onto my face. He was very similar to Mr. Blackbourne but I could see that he was also playful like Luke. "But you'll be fine. Just remember one thing?"

I raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Don't kill them?"

He shook his head. "No. Don't destroy the buildings too much." His gaze looked over the buildings that looked grand and had a romantic feel to them. It was obvious that there was a history to these buildings. "It would be a shame if they were to be destroyed."

I blinked at him. I had pegged him for someone who would not condone killing, but his words had made look at him in a new light.

Nathan grinned, leaning down to whisper in my ear. "Kota loves architecture. If I didn't know him, I would have been concerned that he would save the buildings than a student."

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