Chapter 5

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Hey, readers. I know some of you voted for Gabriel to be the next POV but I wanted to have Sang's POV first. Hope you love it!!

Sang POV

After we started to run in the direction the prince and his remaining four protectors were in, we fell silent although I could feel the four behind me communicate. They were silent but I knew that they could either communicate with each other with their eyes and body language or with a telepathic link. Inside me, Amara was keeping an eye on Luke. We hadn't been aware of him sneaking up on us which alarmed my animal greatly. It had taken me about ten minutes just for me to talk Amara down from taking over and attacking Luke.

A sound attracted my attention. It was faint and was in the far distance. A growl. A yell. A clash of sharp nails on metal. I called forth my dual swords. I felt four pairs of eyes on me as I called my weapons forth. A small wave of power ran over me as the four called their weapons. To my left was Nathan who had his two-bladed, white scythe. To his left was Silas who carried his trident. To my right was Victor that had his broadsword in his hand. On his back was his sheath. Luke who was to Victor's right had two guns. Both guns had gold molding. One gun was black while the other was a pearly white. My eyebrows went up in surprise at his choice of weapons. Dual weapons were rare since the user would have to use twice the amount of magic than the amount to use one weapon. Guns were rare too since those weapons didn't use normal bullets but gathered the user's magic to form energy bullets.

The sound of battle grew louder as we neared. We ran up a hill, and at the top, I saw what was happening. A horde of lycanthropes had surrounded five men who were fighting in a circle. Piles of bodies grew but lycanthropes kept coming and coming. A movement to the left drew my attention. A hooded figure in black stood surveying the battle. I watched him raise an instrument and started to play on his flute. The moment the music started, the lycanthropes became more agitated and pushed on the five men.

"Go help them," I yelled at the four as I ran towards the hooded figure. Yells sounded behind me but I knew that their priority was to help their prince. I thrust my sword forward as the hooded figure noticed me. In an almost impossible speed, he leapt away from my swing. His bo staff blocked mine, and I pushed more strength into my weapon. I smiled as his feet started to slide backward.

The sound of a growl had me leaping backward to avoid the sharp teeth of a lycanthrope. A group of three beasts surrounded the figure. I eyed them, starting to make my move when the hair on the back of my arms stood straight up. The figure raised an arm towards the nine men. An orb of black energy swirled at his fingertips, and I knew that that blast would obliterate them.

Amara screamed, "NO! Save them!"

Without thinking, I released my power. The wave of my raw power hung in the air, and I grasped it, making it form into whatever I wanted. My barriers sought out the nine figures in the middle of furry bodies and surrounded them as the enemy's powers blasted towards them. I gritted my teeth as I shoved more power into the barriers, doubling then tripling the protection. In my other hand, I formed a burst of power that glowed white and pointed towards the hooded figure. I released the ball of power at the man who had noticed it and formed a black orb to counter mine. Just as my power was about to touch him, his three fur guards jumped in front of him, taking the force of my destructive power. His black orb hit my wave of power. Everything seemed to be still as the two forces battled before it exploded, sending me backwards into the ground.

I groaned as ringing filled my hearing. A headache pounded inside my head and my limbs felt heavy. My back was screaming in pain, and I knew that my spine was broken. Amara sent her healing power through me, and I felt the effects start to lessen. My hearing was still ringing when I heard muffled shouting. A face popped in front of my vision, and a sigh of relief went through me at the sight of Luke. He was dirty and had a few cuts but he was alive.

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