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Dream whispered: Thank you.

Tenebris closed their chat and looked back into the Camarvan. They were perched in a tree, sitting on a branch high off the ground. Since they had been in this tree, Jschlatt had drunk nearly 5 bottles of beer. Tenebris genuinely thought he would just drop dead, they weren't sure how he was able to down that much alcohol. At least now he was distracted by the dozens of people inside the broken-down van confronting him. 

Tenebris pulled out three arrows from their quiver, each filled with a capsule of poison. The poison was a clear liquid and seemingly harmless, but fatal if used correctly. When inserted near vital parts of a living being, it works quickly to freeze bodily function, slowing blood and oxygen flows until their heart stops and the organism is brain dead. Nocking the arrows onto the bow, they pulled the string back for a test aim. Perfect shot. The broken window in the Camarvan left a pathway for the arrows, leading straight to Jschlatt. They rested their bow down, watching as Fundy and Quackity argued with Jschlatt. They could hear Wilbur who was out of view loading a crossbow. Intently observing, they waited till Fundy was finished. 

"In my time of need, everyone left me," Jschlatt hissed through a clenched jaw, throwing his 5th bottle to the floor, "And ya' know, if I die, this country goes down with me,"

Tenebris narrowed their eyes and lifted their bow to aim, "Good," They pulled back the poisoned arrows, the string becoming taut. Their hand brushed against their cheekbone and they closed one eye. Jschlatt's wavering and blurry figure became clear, his legs unsteady as he used an old chest to stand up. Invisible strings showed the arrows pathways, pulling at the arrows notched onto the bow. 

They had been waiting for this moment for a long time. 

It was Jschlatt's last life.

And Tenebris was prepared to take it. 

Taking one last breath, they released the arrows. Everything seemed to move in slow motion, the poison-filled arrows whizzing through the air and people's yells for Tommy to end Jschlatt where he stood. The first arrow was meant for his head, the second for his chest, and the third for his stomach. 

All the sudden Tubbo took a step forward, right in front of the broken window. Breaking the clear pathway for the arrows. Tenebris's face filled with horror and they scrambled to grab an enderpearl, hurling it at the van as fast as they could. As they teleported, they heard Dream shout and reach out to the boy to pull him back to safety but he was too late. Tubbo glanced to his right and screamed, holding up his arms to somehow defend himself. He waited for the burning pain of the arrows lodging themselves into his arms and head. 

But it never came. Tubbo peeked, dropping his arms down slowly. He looked down in total shock, seeing Tenebris standing a mere few inches away from him. Their chest heaved as they took in huge, shaky breaths. In their raised hands were two arrows, each of metal arrowheads centimeters away from Tubbo's skin. Tubbo's look of shock turned into dismay when he saw the third arrow. It was in Tenebris's left thigh, blood oozing down their leg. From under his mask, Dream sharply inhaled and pursed his lips, he knew those arrows had poison. Techno slightly gasped seeing their friend appear from thin air. The Camarvan was silent, taking in what had happened and what could've happened. Tenebris dropped the arrows and stood up, the wood shafts clattering on the floor. They shook their foot, shaking blood off their leg.

Jschlatt's cackle filled the air, "How sweet. Little Tenebris saving their Tubbo. How heart-warming," He put a hand to his chest in mock-sympathy. Tenebris froze, slowly turning their head to stare at him with blank eyes. Those black eyes, devoid of emotion. Jschlatt flinched but tried to recover quickly. But it wasn't quick enough. 

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