9. The President Wants To Die

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"Bid?" he said, straightening from the visitor's seat.

"The offer, and what an offer."

"What kind of offer?"

"It depens on you." Said the president, going back and setting up on the seat in front of the cooker.

"He's up to me?"

"Who else will it depend on?"

"Oh right."

"As you can see, I am quite old." Said the president, as if he was talking about the weather, in an indifferent manner. "I am old, my body is going bankrupt. If not today, I will be in dismay tomorrow . As a matter of fact, I think it would be better if you didn't come out tomorrow. " He said with a sigh, looking out the window at the dark night.

"It's also obvious that I don't have the slightest problem with dying . After I die, I will no longer have a problem dealing with all this bullshit. Think about it, you're dead and gone. What a convenience. "

"I'll think you really want to die soon."

"There is no escape from them without dying. We have not yet been able to establish the retirement institution. However, I insisted quite a lot. " Said the president, with one hand supporting his head and the other, pointing at the demon who was behind him, disinterestedly.

"He left the administration for a while, he was replaced by someone else, but we were going to go and ask the teacher about everything at last." Said the hellish with a shrug. On the one hand, he was holding the collar of Adam, who seemed to be about to faint. He realized how deep and pleasant the voice of the visitor demon was. It means he could talk about air and water.

"You haven't fallen off my collar and I'm horizontal. Anyway what was I saying? Hah, I was talking about death. What a heartwarming topic. I wish we always talk about this instead of food shortages or something. "

"Are you not afraid? So this is dying after all? " said the visitor, still busy, puzzled by his demon's attitude just before.

"Why should I hesitate? There is no death when I am, I am not when there is death. Two unrelated issues , two clusters that do not intersect . "

" Epicurus . Ancient Greek. Hellenistic current. " Added the hell, in his previous attitude. The president then grinned and whistled for a long time.

"How? I taught. The Kaskafal everything to everyone what I teach philosophy teaches a commando r im. " Then he paused and grinned a little more, "Though Hellenistic philosophy has never impressed me much. It's like the guys who are in a good mood to think about it for a little more fun. I'm more of an existentialist, maybe even... Optimistic nihilism? I am not sure. Most things start to melt away when you get into politics anyway. Anyway, I do not intend to bother with mixed concepts in the middle of the night. So my main idea is: I want to let go of the rope now. "

"I understand..." said the visitor, not understanding at all, "very nice."

"But I need someone to fill my place for this."

" Uh-huh "

"So I need something like a crown prince."


"Number ten of you will be the crown prince."

"How beautiful." Said the visitor blankly. Then he straightened up and his eyes squinted in suspicion, "Forgive me... What?"

The president imitated the visitor's gestures, getting up with all the nonsense, and squinting mockingly, "I said, would you be interested in being a shepherd?"

"A thousand beavers!" the visitor said , exhaling , for the second time tonight.



"You're a fun thing too!" the president said and laughed. The hellhound frowned in surprise. Adam looked like he had gathered himself a little more. The watchman in front of the door yawned as if his jaw would be severed. The visitor, on the other hand, looked for something plausible in all this, and had a headache from overthinking.

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