Chapter 20 - The Charge into Hell

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Anya grit her teeth so hard that they ground together with each hoofbeat. Every nerve seemed to scream at her, every bone one jolt away from shattering, but she would not let Erwin and the others go to fight the Colossal and Armoured Titans without her. She'd been honest with Erwin when she'd told him about how afraid she was, but it wasn't just for herself. No, she was afraid of what would happen if she wasn't there. Although she had faith in her comrades, in all her years as a Scout, she'd never been able to shake off the borderline-obsessive need to accompany them every time they went beyond the Walls. On the occasions that she'd had to remain behind due to injury or other obligations, she'd been unable to eat or sleep until they returned, such was the extent of her angst. She knew that it was most likely unhealthy and controlling behaviour, but she didn't give a damn if it kept them all alive. No, she would go, especially as Erwin had just informed her that they were to be assisted by the Garrison Regiment and the Military Police in retrieving Eren. The Military Police soldiers in particular had probably never even seen a Pure Titan before, much less the Armoured or Colossal Titans, and so she was extremely concerned that they would prove to be more of a liability than an asset. If anything, it had only served to strengthen her resolve. As she and Erwin arrived at the foot of Wall Rose, she slid from the saddle and looked up at him, bracing herself against his horse.
"I need to speak to Hange," she said.
She paused and swallowed, desperate for the world to stop spinning.
"And to restock my gas and blades."
Erwin nodded, just once, and then turned away to focus his attention on organising the soldiers. She knew that he was unhappy with the decision that she'd begged him to make, but she also knew that he trusted and respected her enough to allow it in the first place. She just hoped that she hadn't overestimated herself this time. She readied herself to deploy her ODM gear, praying that her body could withstand it and that she wouldn't splatter on the ground instead of reaching the top of the wall. She took as deep a breath as her damaged ribs would allow and zipped up to Hange. She found her lying on her back, her glasses perched on her head and her face scorched crimson.
"Well," she said, eyes stinging from the pain of her ascent. "That didn't quite go as planned."
Hange opened her eyes and chuckled weakly. Anya saw the shimmer of relief there and felt an overwhelming sense of guilt. She was about to make her best friend worry all over again.
"Moblit told me that you were somehow still alive. I was considering how best to avoid Levi, but I guess now I don't have to."
"If you see him before I do, tell him I love him, won't you?"
"Of course, but you really should tell him yourself. He'll just think I'm being weird. Hey, wait- Why would I see him before you?" she asked, trying to sit up.
Anya glanced over her shoulder from where she was now refilling her blades.
"I'm going back out there."
"What?! You look even worse than I feel!"
"Someone has to look out for our demonic Commander. He's got to lead the shitty Military Police soldiers now, and who knows what stunts they're going to pull."
"Anya, you're too injured!"
"It's the right thing to do," she said, hardening her expression into a mask of determination.
Hange grabbed her hand, and she saw the worry glimmering in her maroon eyes.
"Please don't die!"
"Hey, I don't plan on it. Stay safe, all right?"
She leant down and placed a light kiss on her forehead, before returning, albeit clumsily, to the ground. Nightmare was ready and waiting for her, and she patted the huge stallion fondly.
"All right. I'm pretty badly hurt, so go easy for me, huh?"
Nightmare whinnied in response, and she climbed into the saddle with a gasp of pain to await Erwin's orders.
"Captain Anya!"
She turned and saw Jean, Armin, Mikasa, and the other remaining 104th recruits jogging over to her.
"Is everyone okay?" she asked, scanning them all.
Other than looking a bit scalded, those who had been on the wall when the Colossal Titan fell seemed unharmed.
"We're fine! It's you we're worried about!" Armin exclaimed.
"Well, I'm not dead yet, so that's good enough."
She looked past them to see Captain Hannes from the Garrison Regiment. She nodded to him.
"Glad to see you made it," he said.
"Me, too. Ready for this, home bird? It's nothing like sitting around playing cards in the sun all day."
Hannes chuckled.
"I'll show you that us Garrison lot aren't as hopeless as you might think."
Anya saw it, then. The bright gleam of courage in his eyes. Something told her that he'd been waiting for an opportunity like this for a long time, and her lips pulled up into a smile.
"I look forward to seeing what you can do." She looked down at the 104th. "I know that Eren's your friend, but don't do anything stupid, all right? You follow orders and you don't put yourselves in any unnecessary danger. Reiner and Bertholdt clearly need him alive, but they don't give a shit about what happens to you. Remember that."
"Yes, Captain," Jean replied.
Erwin began to inform the troops of the plan, then, before issuing the order to move out.
"Advance!" he cried.
The Scouts, along with their comrades from the Garrison and Military Police, rode hard. There were only a few hours until sunset and so time truly was of the essence. Towards the back of the formation, Anya held onto the reins for dear life. Sweat glossed her damaged, ruby-tinged skin, and her ribs creaked and strained with even the slightest of movements. Her head pounded along with the thundering of hooves, and she discretely threw up over the side of her horse, grateful that no one else saw. She was wiping her mouth just as the first smoke signals went up in the distance. Titans had been spotted to the right of the formation. Despite her condition, Erwin had entrusted her with keeping the formation organised and efficient. It was her usual job, but it was going to be far more difficult than normal due to the soldiers from the Garrison and MP regiments, and the fact that many had never ridden beyond the walls before, let alone in a formation. She eyed the smoke-filled sky. If they engaged in combat now, the whole group risked being slowed down. She shouted to the soldier on her right, though it took two attempts to convey her message; the first time, she was wracked with hacking coughs, each convulsion sending sharp, stabbing pain throughout her chest and sides.
"Understood!" the soldier yelled back, before spurring his horse forward to deliver the message.
A few minutes passed without event, and then red smoke flared from the left. They were surrounded. Anya cursed under her breath. They would have to fight their way through if it came to it. Avoiding the Titans would take far too long.
"We're going through!" she shouted. "Brace yourselves for battle, but do not engage unless necessary!"
She rushed ahead to catch up to Erwin. He glanced at her, face grim.
"How are you?"
"Hanging in there," she gasped out.
At that moment, a light shone through the trees up ahead. A Titan had transformed.
"We're just in time," said Erwin, narrowing his eyes. "We have to prioritise retrieval over battle."
"So it seems," she agreed. "I'll make sure half of us split to the left."
"Be careful, Anastasya," he pleaded.
"You too."
Anya fell back and communicated the change of direction throughout the formation. The soldiers dispersed just before the forest began, racing through the undergrowth beneath the perimeter of enormous trees. It soon became apparent that Reiner had transformed back into the Armoured Titan and was now fleeing with Eren, who was strapped to Bertholdt's back, and Ymir, who had returned to her Titan form. As Anya burst forth from the left-hand side of the forest, Erwin emerged from the right. When they realised that the throng of Pure Titans had followed them through the trees, they nodded to one another, understanding without uttering a single syllable.
"Everyone! Let the Titans chase you! Follow my lead!" Erwin roared.
He lifted one of his swords into the air and sped off to pursue Reiner.
"You heard him... Let them come!" Anya yelled, following suit and heading up the charge from the other direction, coughing her lungs out.
"Erwin, you demon!" one of the beleaguered Military Police soldiers shouted. "Are you trying to use us as bait again?!"
"That's not my intention!" Erwin replied over his shoulder. "The Military Police have fought well! Now serve your duty as soldiers! The Armoured Titan plans to escape with Eren; we have to stop him no matter what!"
They all watched as the young recruits from the 104th raced ahead and leapt onto Reiner. So much for not taking unnecessary risks. Anya prayed that they would be strong enough to get Eren back without sacrificing themselves. She desperately wanted to join them, but her ribs felt as though they were now piercing her lungs, and breathing was becoming increasingly difficult. However, she dared not slow down. Instead she led her group, with the Titans still following close behind, to intercept Reiner. As her and Erwin's forces came face to face, they ordered their soldiers to scatter. The horde now had Reiner sandwiched between them, and to Anya's relief, the young recruits from the 104th jumped away just as the Pure Titans began attacking. However Eren was still strapped to Bertholdt, and she watched as Reiner covered them both with a gigantic hand, encasing them inside and out of harm's way. The Armoured Titan then collided with seven Pure Titans of differing heights, barrelling in shoulder-first with an almighty crash. Although the initial impact sent many of them flying, the rest soon swarmed Reiner and Ymir before either of them had a chance to react. The Scouts made a hasty retreat from the chaos, and then turned back to watch as the two Intelligent Titans desperately tried to defend themselves, growling and roaring like savage beasts.
"Is this...hell?" Jean asked, eyes wide and fearful.
"No... But it will be," Erwin replied, nodding to Anya.
She nodded back, already having anticipated their next move. It was yet another reason she had insisted on accompanying them. She knew how Erwin's mind worked better than anyone after having known him for over twenty years, and so she was able to follow his orders before he'd even voiced them. It resulted in vastly superior communication and efficiency, which in turn meant a better survival rate. She knew, just like Erwin, that they couldn't risk letting Eren get caught up in the Pure Titan attack, so they'd have to go after him before Reiner was rendered incapable of protecting him. Fear finally clutched at Anya's heart, though she did her best to wrench it off as Erwin turned back to rally the troops, rearing his huge grey horse into the air.
"The fate of humanity will be determined in this very moment!" he roared. "There is no future where humanity can inhabit these lands without Eren! We recover him and immediately retreat! GIVE YOUR HEARTS! ALL SOLDIERS; CHARGE!"
Anya was the first to follow him, urging Nightmare onwards at full speed. Seconds later, the soldiers thundered after them. As they galloped towards the horde of Titans, Reiner moved the hand that had been protecting Bertholdt and Eren.
"Now's our chance!" cried Mikasa.
"ADVANCE!" Erwin yelled, lifting his arm into the air once more.
Then he was gone.

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