Chapter 32 - Growing Pains

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"Hange's waiting for us."
Anya stopped stroking her horse and turned to face Levi. Shadows pooled under her eyes, and he stepped closer, placing a hand on her shoulder. She'd been asleep when he'd woken up earlier, so he'd left to meet with Erwin and Hange without disturbing her. Seeing how exhausted she still was, he was glad of his decision.
"Where did you go last night?" he asked.
"Outside, to sit on the wall for a little while."
"You have a nightmare?"
Anguish flickered across her face, and she glanced down at the ground.
"I did. It woke me and then I couldn't get back to sleep because of the pain I was in. I went outside to get some air, clear my head. Jean joined me."
"I think the brat's got a crush on you," he teased, before feeling a frown fall into place. "You should have woken me."
"I knew you'd have a lot to do today," she said, shrugging. "I didn't want to disturb you."
"Tch. You wake me whenever you need, got it?"
He lowered his hand and glanced at the cabin.
"What did you and Jean talk about?"
"I asked him how he thought everyone was doing, and I thanked him for catching me on the day of the invasion. He asked me about my family."
He raised his eyebrows. Anya rarely spoke of her past, and for good reason.
"What did you tell him?"
"The truth."
"You're getting attached to them and it's only been a few days."
"They've been through a lot," she countered. "They need reassurance, and for someone to listen to them. They're only teenagers, after all."
"You're going soft, Morozova."
"Maybe," she said, her lips twisting into a small smile. "You saw Erwin, then?"
"Yeah. He's up and walking around again now."
"Good. Any news?"
"Nothing noteworthy. To be honest, it's a relief."
"I wonder how long it will last," she mused. "By the way, Sasha, Armin and Jean got back from the supply run about half an hour ago."
"Have they completed the cleaning tasks I gave them?"
"I don't know. I thought I'd let them get on without supervision."
"We'd better go and see. Ah, before I forget."
He reached into his pocket and handed her a small jar of painkillers.
"Thank you; I'd forgotten about getting some before coming here."
They left the stables and entered the cabin, only to find their squad bickering with one another.
"What's this commotion about?" he asked, striding into the dining area.
Anya leant against one of the kitchen counters, arms folded. Only Eren and Historia noticed that they had returned.
"Cut the crap, Potato Girl!" shouted Jean, who was surrounding Sasha with the others.
Levi wordlessly ran his hand under the wooden dining table, before holding it up to his face for inspection. The squad froze and, suppressing a shudder, he turned his hand to show them that his fingers were coated in a thick, disgusting layer of dust.
"I'm quite sure I gave you enough time," he said flatly.
The brats looked mortified, and he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket to clean himself with. "Anyways, we'll discuss your lax cleaning job another time. Eren. Hange is itching to get the experiment started."
"R-right," said Eren.
"Finish putting the supplies away and cleaning up, and then meet us outside," said Anya. "Wear your ODM gear."
"Yes, Captain!"
"Um... We haven't had lunch yet," Sasha said, at least having the decency to appear meek.
Levi was about to scold her when Anya moved to stand next to him.
"Eren's going to need his energy," she said, tapping a finger on her lips. "Okay. Make lunch for everyone, then load it into the wagon. We'll eat when we get there. Oh, and don't forget to clean the kitchen afterwards. Hurry up."
Levi and Anya went back outside to take a seat on the wall in the warm sunshine.
"You're allowing them to eat? They didn't have breakfast that long ago," he grumbled.
"I was serious about Eren needing energy. Apart from the fact he's a growing boy, he really did go all-out fighting Reiner. I know it's been a week now, but I'm not convinced he's fully recovered yet. And they're all demoralised after everything that's happened. They need to bond by doing normal, mundane things."
He regarded her for a moment, suppressing a smile. She was, albeit slowly, returning to who she'd been before being left beyond the walls; a competent, compassionate leader.
"Whatever you think is best. I trust you."
"I should hope so, after all these years," she said, smirking.
He tugged gently at her plait as he spoke.
"I'll have to go to Trost later with Hange to update Erwin. And for him to update us. He's seeing Pyxis again today."
"I guess I'll just stay here, then."
"Hey, don't say it like that."
"Like what?"
"Like you think you're useless."
"I am right now," she said, a bitter tint to her voice.
"You're not. They need you. Your plan to speak to all of them individually and to try and boost their morale... We're leaders. We both know how important that is, and we both know you're better at it than I am. Stop feeling sorry for yourself."
Anya clicked her tongue.
"Sorry. I don't know what's got into me."
He cupped her chin in his hand.
"I love you, you know."
The smile he was seeking returned to her face like the sun emerging from the clouds, and he had to remind himself that at least one of the brats was probably watching them. If it weren't for that, he'd be kissing her.
"I love you too, Ackerman."

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