XXXII | Houseguests

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   After last night, things seem to have returned to normal: me having the door shut in my face and forced to wait outside for Ciel's laundry after bringing him his breakfast while Sebastian remains inside and gets him ready for the day. Something about today is different though, and it's not the fact that I've uncovered more about the two's relationship not even twenty-four hours before. Besides their normal morning chatter which I can typically hear from outside Ciel's room, there's a more urgent matter being discussed between the two in a hushed manner following Ciel murmuring to Sebastian, "The two of us have some things to take care of on the West End today."

I start to grow impatient and become slightly offended as I continue to wait outside the door with my hands folded behind my back, trying to catch any of their conversation to no avail, and halfway wonder if I should just take the prolonged wait as my cue to wander off and find Mey-Rin. Right when I'm about to turn on my heel after lingering at the door for a few minutes more, the clicking of the two's shoes can be heard, and Ciel emerges from his room without paying much mind to me, Sebastian following closely behind him and handing me his sheets and dirty nightshirt in a silent fashion as per usual.

I look to Sebastian for some sort of answer to their closed-off behavior, but all he does is look me over as the two of us fall back.

"I'm not going?" I whisper to him once we're out of earshot, adjusting the sheets in my arms.

"This is a matter pertaining to the case which the young master wishes to keep between he and I," he replies stoically as the two of us take a right while Ciel continues on a straight path to his study. "As I told you before, the severity of this case has increased, and after last night's events, the young master wishes to maintain more privacy when it comes to the details regarding it."

His tone lowers at the last bit, making me feel like I'm being scolded and yet again reminding me of the more unpleasant aspects of last night, including my unwelcome visitor whose identity I've yet to find out.

Instead of cowering like I almost did, I scoff and say, "Well, I'm sorry for thinking it's sort of  become my business since I almost became a sex worker after a mission you two put me on for the case."

"You will be taking care of the manor in my place while the young master and I are absent," Sebastian continues on, completely disregarding my statement and irritating me by doing so. "We should return home by later this afternoon before dinner. I've laid out instructions for you and the other three as well as a recipe for a lobster bisque for the young master's dinner. His dessert option will be left up for you to decide."

"When are you two leaving?" I ask, pushing my frustrations aside since Sebastian seems to be in a completely different mindset.

"I will call a carriage once it has been seen to it that the young master has all his business matters for this morning taken care of," he says as the two of us go separate ways, Sebastian heading down the hallway past the kitchen and me making my way to the laundry room where Mey-Rin sits waiting for me like every morning. Not another word is said between us when we part ways, leaving me feeling the slightest bit neglected once I get to the laundry room and quietly greet Mey-Rin.

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