XXXIV | Fait Chier

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    As expected, I didn't sleep that night, nor did I sleep the next two days following it. Bard and I had gone back to training on the third day though he was a bit wary of overworking me, but once the ice was broken we had gone straight back to where we left off. 

    Three weeks after our first lesson, I thought things would've been a bit more exciting since he said he wanted to get to know me better, but instead he's almost always in instructor mode and giving me little time to talk about anything else with him. Not that much could happen since whenever we weren't training twice a day or doing chores, I was passed out the second my head hit the pillow.

    After these three weeks though, I can say that my combat skills have improved so much that even I can tell the difference — and it's a pretty big one. Bard hasn't let me come near a gun, but he's let me practice with the knives to the point where my accuracy is pretty damn close every time I throw even from long distances, and I've rarely found myself beneath him when we fight.

I've discovered combat is a stress-reliever and an outlet to let out my frustrations which have pent up throughout the day, typically feeling serene and more energized after our sessions; however, I still wish suicides were never invented despite my newfound physical fitness.

    Sebastian's been strangely secluded since the night he came home from the West End, and I have a perhaps narcissistic notion that whatever it was he did over there somehow has something to do with me if it doesn't at least concern me; although, I've not had much of an opportunity to bring it up again with how busy he's been keeping me. Despite his evasiveness, Sebastian never fails to do or say something perverted like usual, making me want to believe nothing is really wrong since he's still sort of being himself.

It took two days for me to go back to helping him wake Ciel up and put him to bed, and everything feels tense as I stand outside the bedroom door. The two are always discussing the case in hushed voices, only allowing me to decipher trivial bits and pieces of it from the door. All of this has made me feel so alone, and it doesn't seem like there's much for me to do to change that.

Fortunately, nothing out of the ordinary has occurred since the day Elizabeth came over, and my sleep has been nearly completely dreamless. Bard and I finish this morning's lesson at six forty-five, and instead of us heading inside, he tells me to stay where I am and jogs off to the back. When he comes back, there's a long brown box tucked underneath his arm which he presents to me.

    "Now, what I'm about ta bestow upon ya is a big responsibility and honor," he starts formally, holding the box out towards me. "It's our biggest job as Phantomhive servants to protect the young master whenever his life and wellbein' are put at risk. You and me've been trainin' for nearly a month, and I know ya might this this is too soon, but I think it's about time ya get ta join the rest of us in combat the next time the manor is under attack.

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