XXXIII | Kitchenaids

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    I stand at the daunting kitchen doors like a buffoon for ages before being able to find the strength to skeptically creep into the room alone. Once I've set foot in there, making sure to leave the door open behind me, I survey the room from the doorway for anything that looks out of place from when I was last in here. I deem it safe enough to enter after a substantial amount of time and head to the island to grab the recipe Sebastian had left me for lobster soufflé, gathering twice as many ingredients for it while taking off the frilly garments once and for all.

I fish the lobster tails out of the icebox — there's two in there — and lay them out on the island then dig around in the bottom cabinet for a large enough pot to boil them in and fill it with water, tossing them in along with it and covering the pot. After they've come to a boil, I turn the heat on the stove down and let them sit for a few more minutes, spending what feels like forever trying to get the meat out of them, then finally dump the now empty tails back in the stock and turn my attention to chopping up the meat to put back it in the icebox while I continue cooking.

Having lost a good ten minutes after amateurishly breaking up the tails and scooping the meat out of them, I'm somewhat hasty in making the bisque, and I grow impatient waiting for it to simmer for hopefully no longer than half an hour. I clean up around the kitchen while I wait, trying to keep myself as busy as possible so I don't have much time to think about earlier today.

I'm sweeping the floor when I get a faint whiff of sulfur that triggers unpleasant memories of last night, feeling my face grow hot and slight tremors in my chest, the same nausea I had standing in front of my fireplace coming onto me as I stand frozen in the middle of the kitchen. My chest and throat constrict, and my hands fly to them as I try to catch my breath which seems to have literally been pulled out of me. The feeling comes and washes away not long after, leaving me somewhat struggling to breathe as I drop the broom and desperately reach for the counter, the scent of sulfur still filling my nostrils and making me feel faint.

    My eyes drift up to the window and see that the feathers I had been periodically monitoring are nowhere to be found, but this finding doesn't help me in the slightest when the sulfur smell ramps up again, this time even stronger and accompanied by the smell of something burning that causes me to grow even more lightheaded while my vision becomes speckled with black. I can feel my hands grow cold, watching as they turn pale while I try to steady myself against the countertop, my already-pale knuckles a stark white though I find it hard to focus on them because they look fuzzy, almost like I'm on the worst kind of hallucinogens.

The only thing I can clearly hear is my shallow breathing accompanied by an increasingly loud ringing in my ears which spreads across my entire head, the pressure feeling like it could crush my skull. My knees slightly buckle between me while my legs feel like they've become completely numb, causing me to grasp tighter to the countertop and myself becoming caught in a cold sweat.

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