XXIII | Comfort

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Sebastian suddenly picks me up and carries me into his room, delicately placing me on his bed. He grabs his shirt I had on earlier and tosses it to me.

"Here's something for you to bite down on to keep from screaming," he says while adjusting his sleeves.


"Let me see your ankle again," he murmurs as he kneels down. I reluctantly hold out my ankle that's a lot more bruised and swollen than I thought it would be, and Sebastian presses on it, trying to figure out the exact spot where it's broken.

"Are you sure you're qualified to do this?" I ask suspiciously, considering pulling my leg away from him each time he puts pressure on it and makes me wince.

He smirks. "If I couldn't do something so simple as mending my kitten's broken ankle, then what kind of butler would I be? Don't fret, kitten, I'll make it quick."

"I'm not your kitten," I grumble, and I would've jabbed my currently swollen big toe in his eye if it wouldn't result in throbbing pain.

"Whatever you say, kitten," he says with a chuckle. I wince as he carefully stretches the muscles surrounding the bone before he can try to set it.

Once he's finished, he looks up at me through his lashes with an annoying smirk and says, "You might want to put the shirt in your mouth now."

"Please don't kill me," I mumble shakily, twisting the shirt even more before bringing it to my mouth and holding it between my teeth.

"Alright," he sighs, one hand holding my calf while the other holds my foot. "Close your eyes, and I'll count to three."

I nod and bite down on the fabric while slightly hoping to somehow damage it, gripping the bedsheets as I close my eyes tightly.

"One . . . " he mumbles, moving his freezing hands down to my foot and holding onto me tighter, causing goosebumps to prickle on my skin.

I exhale shakily through my nose, tightening my grip on the sheets and biting down on the shirt even harder than I already was as Sebastian adjusts his grip on me.

"Two . . ."

I try to relax a little before he does it, but Sebastian suddenly pops the bone back into place with a loud cracking noise that makes me nauseous. I drop the shirt out of my mouth and claw the sheets, maybe even the mattress, screeching, "Shit! You son of a bitch!"

I open my tear-filled eyes and glare at him with a sheet white face. "You said on the count of three, idiot, not two! Can you not fucking count?! That hurt like hell!"

"Yes, but now it can heal properly," Sebastian replies, a pleased glint in his blood red eyes as he puts a splint to my ankle and bandages it.

"You little sadist, you enjoyed that, didn't you?" I seethe as hot tears continue to roll down my cheeks along with a feeling of light-headedness.

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