XXVI | Eat It, Twilight

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    "Are you sure you don't need my help, Mey-Rin?"

    Though it had been over a week since I'd started back up working, the other servants still felt the need to baby me. My days spent recuperating became very boring very quickly, and I was begging to go back to work by week three. Both Ciel and Sebastian had become tense since the dinner conversation, and as a result of these tensions, Sebastian was being less of an asshole, which was only nice until I had no other form of entertainment. I was overjoyed the morning he inspected my ankle and said with a smile, "Well, kitten, it seems as if your ankle has almost fully healed. I will inform the young master, and he will then decide when you can resume work."

That finally happened after six weeks and three days of being bedridden — not by choice. As soon as he was given the okay by Ciel, Sebastian started assigning me my normal chores and with the exception of any modifications if I needed them, but I tried not to use them and still haven't.

    Mey-Rin, however, immediately let me know she felt I needed all modifications along with her assistance. From the second she found out I was going back to work, she constantly pestered me with offering to do both mine and her chores, which obviously resulted in me doing twice the work.

"No, Rosalie, you stay right where you are!" Mey-Rin squawks, panicking at the mess in front of her. I frustratedly sigh through my nose and put my hand to my head as she runs around in circles trying to figure out how to clean up the collapsed decorative table and broken vase.

    "'I'll go get the broom," I say at last, not staying long enough for her to further destroy things. I ignore her squabbling as I make my way down to the empty kitchen to grab the broom out of the storage closet.


    I'm caught off guard when I hear Bardroy's voice instead of Sebastian's though the feeling I get is different than if it was the latter who startled me. I turn around to see the blond-haired chef with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, his arms crossed and his greenish eyes gaping at me as if I'd committed a crime just by holding a broom.

    "Bard!" I say with a smile, already feeling another headache coming on as I prepare myself for him to start pestering me too. "What's up?"

    His eyes fall to the brace I'd been wearing on my ankle then move back up to meet mine. "What're you doin'?"

    "Cleaning up after Mey-Rin. What else would I be doing?" I ask, trying to walk past him. I notice the flamethrower slung over his shoulder. "And what the hell are you doing with that damned thing?"

"S'not important," he shrugs before gently asking, "You sure ya need to be doin' that?"

I swear to God, I'm going to lose my shit if one more person asks me that question.

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