XLI | Bambi the Maid

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A tired, breathless whine sounds from me as Sebastian presses his lips against my neck, teasingly running his tongue over the punctures of the bitemark with small kisses in between. God, the things that tongue can do. Desperate to hold on to these inebriating feelings which have been flooding my senses for hours, I arch into him and try to somehow his body even closer to mine, but he slightly pulls away from me and puts my hands which had been gripping his back above my head.

"No, kitten," he whispers fondly against my lips, not sounded winded in the slightest while I'm panting like a dog and have been for the past however many hours.

"Please," I huff, trying to move my already-sore hips, but he grabs them and presses them fixed to the mattress.

"You've had enough tonight," he croons in my ear though I'm more focused on the ghostly motions of his thumbs delicately tracing shapes on the inside of my hips, the gentle touch that contradicts everything we've done tonight just making me crave him even more. 

    "Just one more time," I beg, running my fingers through his hair and giving it a slight tug, nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck. "Please."

I press my lips against his throat and softly trail them up to his jawline to suck on the skin, earning a quiet moan and noticing the way he twitches inside of me as I carefully rock against him. He pulls away and stills my hips again, but hearing that low, pleading noise come from him has made letting this go completely out of the question. 

"No," he murmurs sternly though there's still a wanting in his simmering eyes that edges me on. Ignoring the way my body aches, I wrap myself tighter around him, not allowing the already-fleeting pleasures to be over for the night. "Sebastian, please."

He grins and kisses my cheek, rubbing my thigh before gently peeling it off his waist as he says, "You're exhausted, Rosalie. Another round would be far too much for you. Goodness, you're falling asleep as it is!"

    "I can take one more time," I argue unconvincingly against the crook of his neck, feeling my heart rapidly thumping in every part of my body and tingles where his hand had been as I try to wrap myself back around him. "One more, and I'll go to bed, I promise. Just please."

    "Darling, that's what you've promised the past five times now," he chuckles, looking down on me in amusement with a crooked smirk that makes my insides lurch.

"Okay, well this time I mean it," I reply while mindlessly dragging my nails up and down his arms in hopes of persuading him only to be shot down when I notice the way he looks at me — he knows exactly what I'm doing and isn't buying it. I sigh and sprawl my arms out above my head, glaring at him. When he gets off of me, I let out a loud moan that would hopefully change his mind, arching my back and pushing my chest out despite the dull soreness in my lower half.

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