XVII | Eye Candy

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    My confusion only grew after that night though none of it was ever resolved. The days leading up to the ball went by in a blur, and I still found myself with no explanation for Sebastian's bizarre behavior the night I thought I'd broken. He went back to acting like his usual perpetually annoying, horny self just like that the next morning, skillfully dodging any sort of question I had about what happened with some sort of suggestive remark or action.

    Ciel let me take my leave early last night after Sebastian and I finished our last lesson on etiquette (all of them felt like an eternity in which Sebastian constantly chastised me, making the entire experience a living hell), and I actually slept for once — peacefully, too.

    When I woke up, it was daylight out, but dark clouds loomed ominously in the gray sky. I was able to get myself together without any sort of hurry and stroll down the hallways to the kitchen to get something to eat without a care in the world. Of course, the cares made themselves known when I found Sebastian making Ciel's snack by himself.

    "Good afternoon, Rosalie," he greets me without even looking up from the tarts he was working on. Thunder booms outside, signaling the heavy rain that starts immediately after. A light fixture flickers from the storm's intensity.

    Good afternoon indeed.

    I flatly murmur a response as I make my way to the cabinets for some bread. As I rummage though nearly all of them, I can't find anything that would suffice for a somewhat decent breakfast. Then, finally, in the very back of a cabinet no one ever opens, I find some bagels and snatch them with no other thought but food.

    "Did you sleep well?" Sebastian asks, still not looking up from his cooking.

    "Cut the crap, Hulk," I snap as I slather some butter on my bagel, extremely irritated by his kind tone of voice.

    "Kitten, I was only being polite," he says over his shoulder, his eyebrow beginning to twitch at my remark.

    I roll my eyes. "Everything polite has an ulterior motive when it's coming from you."

    Sebastian sighs at my words he knows are absolutely true. He places the tarts in the oven, then faces me and leans against the countertop with crossed arms.

    "Rosalie, I —"

    He's cut off by a gun firing through the rain, causing him to barely flinch and me to jump about two feet into the air with a squeal. Bardroy runs down to the kitchen with Mey-Rin and Finny in tow not long after.

    "Sebastian, the manor's under attack," he announces with wide eyes.

    "Right," Sebastian replies as he slips on his tailcoat. "You three know what to do" — he cuts his eyes to me right as they're making their way out of the kitchen — "Rosalie, please finish preparing Master Ciel's afternoon snack and stay away from the windows for fear of sustaining any injuries."

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