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The crash of the waves have kept me up all night long. I don't really mind, though, because I really can't sleep at all. Apparently, when you are lying to almost everyone, it keeps you up at night. I don't care about the lies, though. When this is all said and done, I'll be happier than a dragon flying through the beautiful blue sky. That's the point for all of this, me finally being happy. 

I sit up in bed, letting the soft blanket fall off of my bare legs. Chilly air bites at my skin as I grab my bag. When I packed it, I put a few changes of clothes in there for the journey as well as some scrolls to keep me busy. More importantly, though, I put these things in there to keep my lock-picks and other tools a secret. I definitely don't want the others to find these because it will blow my chance at getting to these jewels. 

My fingers brush against the metal in the bottom of the bag, spreading more chills through my body. They are colder than the clothes and scrolls on top of them. I've had these tools for a couple years now, and they have aided me in so many heists. I think I bought them for myself after one of my first jobs, but I'm not really sure anymore. Xalen could have bought them for me, too. 

Xalen doesn't really like me much, not after I broke his heart. We had a couple flings about a year ago, and he wanted a real relationship with me. I told him that I didn't want a relationship with him because, well, because I couldn't stand his voice before he hit puberty. He still remains as my partner in crime (sort of), but not as my partner in life.

I don't think I've ever wanted a romantic relationship with anyone. My parents don't show love at all for each other, so I never really grew up with it on my mind. And now that I steal for a living, I don't want them to turn on my back and take everything I have earned. What's the use in dating someone when I can't stand anyone? Besides, when this is all over, I won't need anyone else because I'll have so much money for me, myself, and I. That's it. That's all I care about right now.

I gently set my bag back down on the ground, making sure that the metal tools don't clink against each other. Since I carry them with me wherever I go, I have mastered how to not make a lot of noise with them. Shoving the bag under my bed, I grab the blanket from the floor. I wrap it around my shoulders and lay back down in the bed, staring up at the metal ceiling. 

The ship slowly rocks back and forth upon the water. It must be nearing morning; my internal clock is telling me that the sun is about to start rising. I have no idea if we're close to the Fire Nation at all or if we still have more days of traveling. I really don't like being cooped up in this little ship. There's nothing for me to practice my archery on, unless I try to catch some fish while I'm here. I didn't bring any string with me, though, so I wouldn't be able to retrieve my arrows.

I only have enough arrows for this job that is in front of me, so I decide that I won't fish with them. I need to save my arrows for more important things. I just wish I brought my favorite bow with me. When I was packing, I couldn't find it, so I had to grab my second favorite. It doesn't shoot as well as my favorite one does, but it'll do in a pinch.

The door to my room opens with a small creak. I press my head against the pillow and close my eyes so that I'm pretending that I'm asleep. "Heiza?" the soft voice cuts through the sound of the water. I realize that it's Ty Lee, so I lift my head up to look at her. "Oh, good, you're awake."

"I have been for a little bit," I explain to her. I sit up more, and she takes a step into my room. "What's up?"

"Azula told me to tell you that we have docked. We're here now."

I smile widely. Perfect. My inner clock is right on time with the real world. "That's great."

"You should probably get dressed before you go outside." Ty Lee gestures to my pajamas. They aren't really pajamas, though. I just stripped out of my main clothes and slept in my underclothes. "The caravan will be leaving soon."

"Thanks for telling me," I say to her with a nod. "I'll get dressed and be out there before you know it."

Ty Lee smiles at me before shutting the door behind her. I stand up and pull my clothes on quickly. Throwing my bag, quiver, and bow over my shoulders, I wait for a suitable time to exit my room. I want to make sure I get everyone's attention when I make my entrance, and I know that all of my shipmates are out on the deck. Pushing the door open, I can hear Ty Lee chatting away to someone. Her voice rises over the sound of the waves, which means that she is very excited about something. I sure hope she hasn't told Mai and Zuko that I'm here. It would ruin the surprise.

I step out into the tiny hallway just as the speaking stops. I hope that they aren't leaving without me, so I hurry through the hallway and onto the deck outside. The sun is shining so very brightly, and I squint against it, shielding it with my empty hand. 


My first time seeing Zuko in such a long time, and I can't even properly see right now. I blink hard a few times, and finally my sight lands on Zuko. There is a large frown on his face, almost as big as the scar on his eye. Surprisingly, he looks better than what I remembered. When he was a little kid, he always looked a little dorky, but now he seems to have grown out of that. 

"It's been a long time," I say to him. With a quick glance around, I realize that he is the last one on the ship. "I hadn't realized you were back to being an actual prince."

"And I hadn't realized that you were alive," he says blankly. "I thought you were dead."

I blink at him. My mouth is hanging open slightly with the surprise of what he said, so I quickly shut it with a shake of my head. "No, no. I'm not dead yet. Why would you think such a thing?"

He shakes his head. Some locks of his dark hair falls into his eyes, blocking the emotions away from my view. "I don't really know." His voice is quieter now. I'm not sure what he's thinking, but I know that he's incredibly surprised with seeing me here. "Are you staying a while at the palace?"

"I'm not sure, actually." I laugh softly and press my hand against his arm, leaning forward into him. His arm tenses up underneath my hand, but I don't let go. I flash one of my famous grins at him before asking, "I didn't plan on staying anywhere, so could you help me out a little bit by getting me a room at the palace?"

Zuko clears his throat. He makes a show of pulling away from me quickly, but I know I affected him in a way I shouldn't have. "I'll see," he says. He retreats over to the edge of the ships and the beginning of the docks. If I look hard enough, I can see Ty Lee and Mai walking toward the caravan that will take them to the palace; Ty Lee must have walked fast because I swear that I heard her talking to someone when I first exited my room. Azula isn't with them, though. She's standing closer to the ship, staring up at Zuko and me. I turn my gaze back to Zuko. He has a strange look on his face as he looks at me. "This is my first time being back in three years. I doubt my father will allow me to do anything."

"Oh, alright. I guess I have to walk around this city that I've only been in a few times to find somewhere to stay." I duck my head and shuffle forward, acting like I am going to get off the ship. Right before my foot touches the docks, a hand grabs onto mine. I smile to myself; I knew that would work on him. The guilt card always works with him. "What is it, Zuko? I need all the time I can get to find somewhere to stay."

He slowly turns me around to face him. For some reason, he doesn't let go of my hand. "Heiza, wait," Zuko says softly. "I'm sure you can stay at the palace. It will be fine."

"Are you sure?" I pull my hand out of his when I shrug my shoulders. Forcing a hesitant look on my face, I say, "I don't want to impose or anything."

"You won't be."

"Are you sure, Zuko?"


Step two, complete. Now that I'm going to stay at the palace, it'll make things ten times easier for me. I just need to fool everyone there long enough for me to find the jewels and then to steal them. That shouldn't be that hard, though. I've been lying to myself for years.

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