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After Xalen and I came up with our plan, I went back to my room and started preparing for this job. I had gathered all of my arrows and stuffed them into the quiver, hoping that I'd have enough for this job. My numbers were dwindling, but I am a Yuyan Archer, so I know how to make due with a little amount. I also took another look at the map that Xalen gave me, and everything started coming together perfectly. With this new piece of information, I realized that the map showed where exactly this secret room was underneath the throne room. It also showed me how to move the throne itself to get into the secret staircase. I was ready for this job, at least at that point I was.

However, I had to wait a few days to let the buzz dwindle down. There were more guards here than I had ever seen before because of the "breach of the throne room." Technically, it wasn't a breach because it had been the Prince who had gone in there with me. Rumors were spreading around that someone had snuck into the palace while everyone was asleep and attempted to trash the place when guards found them. This person had gotten away, though, from the guards to live another day.

I know that's not what happened, and so does Zuko. Him, Xalen, and I are the only people who knows what actually went on while we were in the throne room. It's going to stay like that, too. If anyone else finds out, I'll probably be arrested and shipped away from here. I can't let that happen. 

While I waited for the throne room to open back up, I spent more time with Zuko than anyone else. We would sneak around the palace to meet and talk about everything under the sun. Yes, we would also make out and other things, but we talked more than we ever have before. He's actually a really great guy. I wouldn't have guessed that based on who his family is, but he is the black dragon of the family. He's just caught up in trying to please his father that he can't see the truth that he's nothing like Fire Lord Ozai and he never will be anything like Fire Lord Ozai. I don't have the heart to tell him that he's never going to measure up to him, though. He has to figure that out himself. I hope I'm there when that happens, but I seriously doubt that. 

Ty Lee has given me weird looks whenever I see her around the palace, though. It's like she knows that I'm sneaking around with Zuko. Maybe she can really see auras, and mine is a bad color, so she knows that I'm doing bad things. She's been spending more time with Azula and Mai, both of whom has been avoiding me. I bet Azula is telling them things about me that makes them want to stay away from me or something like that. It doesn't feel that good to have people being poisoned against me, but it is what it is. I'll just deal with it like I deal with everything else that goes wrong in my life.

I just hope this job won't go wrong. It's all I have left in this world.

Tonight is the night for me to complete my job. Xalen told me earlier that the influx of guards will be back to normal by nightfall. I told him that we will finish our job tonight by stealing the jeweled bow, and he agrees with me. After that, we'll run away from the Fire Nation and find the person that wants the precious weapon. But beyond that point, I don't know what else I'll do. There's plenty more people that want things stolen for them, but I probably won't get another job. I'll have enough money to buy the world, so I'll probably find myself a nice island to live on all by myself. Is that what I want, though? I know the answer deep down, but I can't say it just yet. I don't think I'll ever admit it to myself.

The warm covers of Zuko's bed draws me back into reality. He's fast asleep next to me. I slowly turn to face him and wonder what it would be like to do this every night. It would be nice to fall asleep with the person you cared about most. It sucks that Zuko is not the person I care about most. He could be; I know he could be, but I can't let myself fall into that trap. I'd be ensnared forever if I let myself fall farther than I already have. But it'd be so nice . . .

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