➳ 14 ➳

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I finally do end up in the catacombs underneath the palace after running through the tunnel for what feels like forever. Nearly falling down, I lean against the wall next to me, trying to catch my breath. I didn't dare stop running until I made it to the catacombs because I was afraid guards were following me. It's good to know that, as of right now, I'm alone here. 

Gently setting the jeweled bow and arrows down on the ground, I let out a breath. Those are much heavier than what I expected. Maybe it is all the jewels that is making it so heavy because my regular bow isn't that heavy. I would never want to use this bow because of how heavy it is. I'm already suffering from using my bow for years; my shoulders ache almost everyday, but I always push away the pain because I love archery. It's who I am, archery is.

I slide down the wall to rest for a second. Its cold, colder than anything else I have ever touched. I know the catacombs are far below the earth, but I hadn't realized it would be this cold down here. Wrapping my arms around my body, I try to keep warm, but it's not working. Maybe it's better being cold. That way, I could go numb and not feel the regret I'm feeling about stealing the precious Fire Nation bow and arrows from the people that I shouldn't care about.

I know I shouldn't stay here much longer. I need to escape from the palace before the guards find me here. Slipping the bow and arrows across my back again, I stand up quickly. The sounds of footsteps echo in my ears, making me hurry toward the exit of this place.

"Heiza? What are you doing here?" I slowly turn around and see Zuko standing behind me with a frown on his handsome face. He is holding a lantern as well as a scroll. He's still in his night clothes. "Heiza?"

"Don't get in my way," I tell him as I draw an arrow out of my quiver, placing it in my bow. He takes a step back from me. "I'm leaving, Zuko. I have to go now, and nothing's going to stop me."

"What are you -" His eyes go wide when they see what's on my back. It dawns on him now that I'm not here for him or anyone else. 

"It has to be this way, Zuko," I tell him softly. Anger flashes through his eyes. "I'll finally be happy. Don't you want me to be happy?"

"Trouble always follows when you come around," he says, shaking his head. He tugs a hand through his hair angrily. "I should have known. You haven't spoken to my sister or anyone here since you left. Why would you want to come back now?"

"You have to understand that this is my job." I don't know why I'm explaining this to him. He doesn't want to hear what I have to say, but I have to say it. I have to hear it myself. "Your job as the Fire Nation Prince isn't all sunshine and rainbows, is it? Don't you have to do things that people would judge you for? Like searching for the Avatar?" 

His eyes darken ever so slightly, and he takes a step closer to me. "That is different, and you know it."

"Is it really different, Zuko?" I ask, cocking my head to the side. My lips turn downward into a frown, and I lower my bow so that I'm not pointing my arrow at him. "Explain to me the difference." Zuko opens his mouth but no words come out. "Exactly. We aren't that much different now, are we? We both have a job that asks of us some things that aren't good, but we do it anyway because we have to."

Zuko takes one last step forward, and my back bumps into the wall behind me. I'm trapped between the wall and Zuko, which is a bad thing. I have to get away from him, or else I'll get caught by the guards that have been following me. 

"Do you really have to do this, Heiza? Are you happy?" He glares down at me, but I could see the hurt deep in his eyes. It cuts through me when I see it, but I push it away. I cannot be feeling like this right now. "You told me that you wanted to be happy, but does this make you happy? Tell me the truth."

The Archer [Zuko]Where stories live. Discover now