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just as quickly as july came it faded along with its semi warm air, august greeting london with cool winds and its normal gloomy weather. before olivia knew it two of her most prized dates rolled in. mrs. smiths birthday and two days after, her 1 month anniversary. yes, one month was nothing in the grand scheme of things but to olivia it was a sweet reminder of her relationship being fruitful. things had been going great between them, olivia learning to be patient for emily and emily slowly accepting olivia's constant yearn for physical touch—even reaching out for her first during their lunches, something that olivia wasn't sure she'd ever get over, however small it was. another thing that had seemingly slipped past her was telling lucy of just how close they had become, seeing as she was positive the elderly women was going to croak over right there as olivia casually brought up the the upcoming date as they enjoyed the flán she had made at the birthday girls request, the two extras stored safely in fridge

  "i'm sorry. anniversary?"lucy beamed "and when were you going to tell me you had finally made a move?"

olivia laughed quietly, hiding her shy smile behind her spoon "i thought i had, i promise! i guess i only told ava"

"you haven't even mentioned going on dates before now! and here i thought you loved us" harry joked coming back into the dining room with small shot glasses filled with cuban coffee for the three of them, sitting down and scooting his chair closer to his wife. getting them that espresso machine was both the best and worst thing she'd every done, she didn't think she'd ever seen anyone consume more coffee than harry did in her entire life, probably never would.

"oh stop it" she swatted at his arm "we've been keeping it kind of low profile for now. it really hasn't been that long and emily..... she's a private person. you know? i wanted to make sure she was okay before i go posting all our cute photos everywhere" now, was this olivias attempt of getting them to ask about said photos so she could show them off? yes, and it worked, their ears perking up as they all giggled, huddling over the table with olivia's phone in the center. this was fun. olivia liked this, showing emily off, even if there were only 6 photos and half of them had emily being caught off guard and olivia looking at her like a lovestruck puppy. the other half had olivia staring at the camera, emily staring at her.

"this is the first time you've shown us a girlfriend you know" harry remarked. it had been 6 years since his wife had come home with the mention of a "sweet girl" she had met. 5 and a half since he had met her, deciding she and her sister were now the daughters they never got to half, yet it was only now he had ever seen her glow like this. seen her so...... happy, and he couldn't be more thrilled.

"she's the first girlfriend i found worth showing. besides, lucy has already met her so technically it's only you who i'm just now showing her to". after a couple more hours of talking and stories and pictures and facetiming ava so that danny could wish lucy (or as he called her 'ela'. poor kid could quite abuela yet) a happy birthday as well, it was time for olivia to go. she wished both a goodnight, hugging them tight before driving back home. should she bring emily a piece of flán? she was going to keep it for herself but she could always get more from lucy. it wasn't too late was it? 'it's only 9, she should be up'. once parked in the garage she took the elevator up to emily's floor, stopping in front of the door and brushing herself over once more before knocking.


emily was just in the middle of opening her beer when she heard the knock, setting the glass down and making her way to the door to peek through the peephole. she smiled softly, not only at the sight of olivia, but the plate she held in her hand. she opened the door, already reaching out to pull the other in "done with the dinner already?"

olivia smiled back "lucy gets tired early. i brought you flán! homemade too, figured you'd like it" she held the plate out to emily as she walked in

"i'd love it actually, thank you". she closing the door behind them, leaning in for a kiss before taking the plate and leading them both to the kitchen. emily had quickly fallen into the habit of kissing her when they greeted easier than she thought she would, although it wasn't like she hadn't been thinking about it often enough. "you caught me just in time, im looking for a movie. beer? wine?" she offered, already at the fridge

"oh no i wasn't gonna stay, i don't want to interrupt your alone time "

"or" she rebutted "you could stay and help me pick a movie to watch." she turned to face her, giving her a knowing look "you are the movie master after all"

olivia laughed. emily laughed watching olivia laugh. "wine please" was all she got as a reply, a smirk growing while she got her a glass , olivia took of her shoes and coat at the front door. em liked seeing her make herself at home, all they were missing was sergio as they curled up on the couch. drink in hand and olivia snuggled happily under her arm, emily's heart swelled as her partner mindlessly stroking little circles into her forearm that was draped across her chest with one hand, looking for a movie with the other.

all emily could do was smile, bring her hand from the other girls chest up to her face, stroking her cheek lovingly and trying to not completely forget the movie and spend the night kissing her instead



hi besties!!

thank you all for always coming back and enjoying my fic so much, warms my heart :—)
i'm gonna try to be more consistent with my post from now on!!

as always, drink water and sleep well <3

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