09.we day

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09. 𝐰𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲

  being covered in dirt and sweat was not how olivia envisioned her saturday but when lucy asked her to come plant for the beginning of her spring garden, she couldn't say no. her knees hurt and her nose tickled from the pollen in the air but she stayed put, finishing up the last of the planting before slowly getting up— her knees felt like creaky doors, is this what getting old feels like?. she dusted them off the best she could and took her gloves off, wobbling her way to the deck before taking a seat as lucy brought out their lunch

"you know if i could do it i would" the sliver headed women said, sitting down next to her and handing her a wet washcloth

"oh don't talk like that, you know i don't mind." olivia insistes, taking the cloth and wiping herself down in the process

"that's why you're my favorite child"

"lucy i'm technically not your child" she laughed, shaking her head as she reached for her water. she would still hold this over ava's head later on.

"i know i know, but if i had children, you would be my favorite". she took the washcloth and wiped the younger girls forehead, smiling softly and pushing her hair back, setting the cloth aside. they were halfway through their lunch when lucy brought up the one thing olivia had been trying to avoid. "how's things with emily going?". she blushed, setting her sandwich down as she wiped her mouth

"we're good you know... it's been like two months i think?. we've been hanging out a lot more than before and it's really great". she couldn't help but grin as she continued on, her mind wondering off to all the times they stayed up until late hours into the night talking about whatever came to mind, sharing stories and secrets they had never told before.  "i think i'm gonna ask her to go to the movies with me tomorrow"

lucy gasped, grabbing her hand softly "to your me day? how come she's gone and i never have?" she only half joked

olivia hands were sweaty at the thought of it "because you don't struggle with sharing things. she's opened up to me about things she's never told anyone and i feel like i should show her my little world too". the truth is that even if emily never told her anything past a work resume she would of done this regardless. told her ever story, every embarrassing moment, told her the number of freckles on her body— because emily deserved it. she deserved to know someone wasn't hiding from her, and olivia was going to be that person.

"well i think it's a wonderful idea" a calm and warm voice echoed from behind her. she smiled and got up, turning around and embracing the man in a 'i missed you' hug, stubble tickling her forehead "hi harry". olivia could only faintly remeber her mother, but her father was much more vivid in her mind and every time she saw harry, she saw him. they didn't look the same but they had the same soul, the same laugh. it was comforting.

"hello my sweet olive" he greeted, pulling away just enough to kissing the top of her head , smoothing out the top of her hair before making his way to his wife, sharing a small yet sweet kiss before taking his place next to hers and locking fingers with her smaller, softer ones. "i think it's about time you make a move, board games aren't as fun with three people and you cheat"

"i do not!" she chuckled although they all knew she could not be trusted with sorry for anything "and i will, i promise."

  it wasn't until later that evening while she sat with her bowl of ice cream watching reruns of love island that olivia found the time and or confidence to call emily, lowering the volume when she heard the ringing stop and the voice she could listen to for hours say the words

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