chapter 1

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"Grandpa!!! You wont believe it. I sold more than 42 flowers today " I jumped in excitement. I skipped to my grandfather while he was giving me a round of applause with the sweetest smile.

"My Sejeong is always working hard, tell you what I will buy your favorite hotteok tomorrow" he insisted. I start nodding viciously, till we get another customer.

"Hey hey" min-young waved, I waved back at her telling her about the sales we made today. "Wow, that's amazing. From now on i'll work just as hard as my best friend" she giggled.

I look at the time noticing it's almost time. "Shoot mom and dad will get mad if I am late again" I signed. My grandpa put his hand on top of mine "don't worry sejeong, Min-young and i will clean the rest and close up the store" he reassured. I knew I couldn't argue so I agreed "thanks grandpa and Min-young" I smiled. Before I left I gave my grandpa a peck on the cheek and a hug for my friend.

I hurried up and went home. "It's already 8:22" I open my eyes widley. I started running faster when someone just had to call me. I tried to answer it while running when I bumped into someone.

"Ah-ish watch it" someone groaned, I stood up bowing trying to apologize. When he finally stood up..

He looked so manly, his eyes were sparkling just like the stars and his hair looked so soft

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He looked so manly, his eyes were sparkling just like the stars and his hair looked so soft. "Watch where you're going" he hissed, I rolled my eyes. 

He looks much nicer then he sounds. "it was an accident. Jeez, why are you so pissed" i asked, he just let out a sign and picked up my book that fell outta my bag. "Ugh whatever here take your stupid book" he mumlbed. I gasped in shock while he walked away. I wanted to say more but realized i am already toast from my parents.

I arrive home and see my parents sitting down in the living room. "Sorry I am late, I was running back when this gu-". My mom looks at me with a serious face "sit down we need to tell you something" she signed.

I slowly sit down anxious about what they're gonna say "if it's about me taking over dad's company the answer is a no" I firmly said.

"It's not that sweetie.. You're going to marry someone.." he replied. I look at my moms face to check if shes serious then look back at my father "What!!'' I yelled. "You have to honey, your fathers business will be put down if you don't '' she explained.

"Why am I even involved In this, Its dad company and his responsibility not mine besides I don't even know this guy" i protested. "He's a really fine gentleman and we've already agreed with their family you're gonna meet them tomorrow".

"hunny he's a good guy and a very smart one" my dad insisted. "yes hun and he's really good looking" she smiled.

even though Ive always wanted to meet a guy and experience being in a relationship. But I've never met him, I do hate seeing my father exhausted too.. "okay fine I guess meeting them won't hurt" I mumbled.

my mother clapped in excitement "good choice Sejeong your father and i bought you a dress so you should wear that tomorrow" she winked.

I grab my bag and walk upstairs to my room and close the door. I throw myself on my bed feeling exhausted "what a day" I let out while staring at my ceiling.

then realized I should check out the dress, I walk to my closet and see a pretty light pink coloured off-shoulder dress. I mesmerized how pretty it looked and kinda got excited.

11:11 PM

After finishing my work and taking shower I decide to finally sleep..

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