chapter 2

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Ring ring

I wake up to the most annoying sound and frantically grab my phone half awake. "Yes, who is this?" I asked.

"Hey sweetie are you on your way to the shop" it was a voice I recognized a lot. "Grandpa?! RIGHT I am on my way, don't worry "I blurted. I hurried up and ended the call then quickly changed and left for the shop.

As soon as I was close enough to see the shop I saw grandpa sitting on his favourite old blue chair. The chair my grandma bought for him, although she passed away last year. Ever since she passed away he's always been sitting on that chair listening to their favourite old song looking lonely.

"Hey gramps, are you okay" I slowly asked, he slowly looked at me and gave me his usual sweet smile. "I am fine don't worry sweetie, let's get ready to open the shop" he replied standing up.

We went inside and saw Min-young doing a quick sweep. "You're finally here, hurry put away the tulips" she urged.

I quickly put away the tulips and fliped the closed sign to open.

My grandfather proceeded to the back where he wraps the flowers into bouquets and I was out in the front waiting.

"Seojeong did you hear about all the new interns that got hired at ULTRA company, people said they are the most handsome men seen there" she awed while staring outside. I coughed "ah boys I can't wait till I find my soulmate" I mesmerized with her.

We finally snapped out when we received a call.

"hello, this is Petal flowers how may I help you" I asked. "Hi, this is the ULTRA company, we need some flowers for our new interns by today". I put my hand over my mouth "it's ULTRA company" I mouthed to Min-young, she quickly motioned me to answer. "Of course how many bouquets would you like".

"We just need 4 please and could you deliver them please," he asked.

I widen my eyes "sure will have them delivered as soon as possible '' I blurted. "Thank you bye," he said then ended the call.

I slowly look at Min-young and we both jump around holding hands "we're finally gonna see what the company looks inside and all the pretty boys looked like" I cheered.

I quickly let go and run to my grandfather "grandpa!! We have a special order for the ULTRA company. We need 4 bouquets" I squealed.

His eyes widened and without any words, he quickly finished wrapping the bouquets.

"Here done I had most of them done this morning" he winked. Min-young grabbed me by the shirt trying to hurry up, I wave goodbye to my grandpa and we got on our bike.

ULTRA company

We enter the huge doors "Woah this place looks so luxury and huge" she gasped.

I tapped her shoulder and we went on the elevators. "So it says we need to go to room 304,309,405,406" I checked the messages the caller sent.

We decided it would be faster if one of us went to one floor and one to another floor. I insisted I would take the fourth floor, and entered the first room.

Room 405

Knock knock

"Hi, delivery for flowers" I shyly opened the door.

"Oh wow thank you, for such pretty flowers and a pretty woman" he smirked. I blushed lightly and bowed "thank you my name is Sejeong hope you like them".

"My name is Mingyu and thank you as well" he smiled. I finally left the room he was so handsome in his black suit.

Room 406

Well this was my last room but it wasn't just any room it was the CEO's son, I knocked on the door promising myself that I wouldn't stutter.

"Delivery for flowers '' I opened the door. The boy was facing the other way so I couldn't see his face

"my name is Sejeong and I am here to give your bouquet". He finally turned around and I saw someone I recognized from somewhere.

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We both said "you!?'' in shock pointing at each other "what are you doing here" he suddenly asked.

"I work at the Petal flower and they asked us to deliver flowers for you since you got hired" I coughed.

then he slowly went around his desk and sat in front where I was pretty close to him.

Before he could say anything he gave me an up and down look which for some reason gave me goosebumps, even though he acted like a jerk yesterday he's so handsome.

"My name's Jisoo but call me Joshua" crossing his arms. "Okay well you already know my name so I am gonna go" I turned around ready to leave.

When Joshua grabbed my arm and turned me around, oh my goodness I was so close to him "will I see you again" he whispered smiling.

his smile was so pretty he looked so perfect...

I stood there flustered and pushed his chest "no- I mean maybe I don't know um goodbye" and ran out the door.

When I was outside I hit my head embarrassed "Sejeong your so stupid" I puffed.

Joshua pov

When I said those words she looked pretty flustered but she probably liked it.

"Hmm she's pretty cute" I mumbled to myself while looking at the flowers she brought.

"Hmm she's pretty cute" I mumbled to myself while looking at the flowers she brought

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