chapter 4

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Next morning

I headed out a bit earlier than usual because I wanted to go to the coffee shop first.

"Hi can i get a large iced americano?" I ordered. "Same here please". I look behind and see joshua. "I-i why are you here" i asked. He motioned me to hurry up and pay and I turned around and paid for both our drinks and we both sat down.

"I was just getting coffee before work," he said, sipping his coffee. "So last night I never knew you were such a two faced son" I smirked. "I have to or else my father will be disappointed" he mumbled. I give him a nod understanding him a little bit then received a text

"your vacation will be tomorrow so i want you stay with joshua for today, i already told grandpa so don't worry about the shop"- mom

I groan in frustration "what's wrong angry bird" he joked. Usually I would come back with a better roast but I was too irritated over the text. 

"Have fun laughing at our little vacation starting tomorrow" I said  showing the text. After reading the text he laid back pissed "at least todays the last freedom day" he smiled. 

I didn't really wanna ruin his moment but it was so funny "i have to stay with you for the rest of the day" i teased him. 

He opened his jaw wide open and gave another heavy sign "great i have to babysit a child" he mumbled. 

I flick his head "other way around" I hissed. "Either way I need to work for a bit so we need to go to my office," he said. I didn't want him to get more stressed so I just followed him.

"Sit here quietly," he demanded. I give out a sign "if you say so boss" i joked, then he gave me a smirk before sitting down. 

I was on my phone texting Min-young the situation I got myself in. When I see Joshua picking up the phone.

"yes, tell the marketing team to not mess with the numbers, thank you see you soon Mr.lee". Joshua looked so professionally in his white buttoned shirt. I hate to say it but he looks like such a gentleman even though he doesn't act like one.

 I hate to say it but he looks like such a gentleman even though he doesn't act like one

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Joshua pov

After I ended my call with Mr.lee I looked over at Seojeong and saw her just staring at me.

"what you staring at" I asked , waving my hand. She snapped out "uh- the plant it looks really healthy" she facepalmed herself.

 I chuckle seeing how bad she lies and give her a macaroon I had in my mini fridge. "Here have it" I offered. She took a small bite at first then fell in love with it and ate the whole thing "yummy thanks shua" she giggled.

2 hours later

After finishing all my files I look over and see Seojeong asleep on the couch. I walk over to her and see how cozy she looked. 

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