chapter 6

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"ow!" half conscious I see Joshua in front of me, "jeez I yelled 2 times and you still didn't wake up, so I pushed you. My bad" he shrugged. I grab the nearest pillow and try to hit him and missed.

"you have a really bad aim" he teased and went to the bathroom to wash up. I checked my phone and see a message from my mom.

'' how is you vacation with Joshua ;))" -mom

" ugh I don't know" - Sejeong  I roll my eyes and look out the beautiful beach view. 

Joshua pov

I come out of the shower and see Sejeong blankly staring outside. I throw my wet towel at her. "c mon we need to go were busy today" I groan.

Sejeong pov

"ugh what was that for" giving him a death stare than realized what he just said "wait, where, why?" I asked. "my parents made reservations for us to the beach and dinner".

"what no way I am going with you" I hissed. he turns around and cross his arms "you think I wanna go with you, we need to keep this act up or else our parents are gonna get mad at me" convincing me. 

I let out a huff and grab my bag "lets go" I said while skipping out the door.


we arrive at the private beach and not gonna lie I have a fear of swimming in deep oceans like this. "what's wrong you chicken?" Joshua tapped my shoulder. 

"pft nah I'm a professional swimmer" I said bravely walking into the ocean. 

Joshua insisted that he wanted a tan first and laid down. I wanted to prove him wrong and went to the ocean, I tried to stay in the shallow area first. then realized the strong wave currents were pushing me to the deeper area. 

I try to swim outta there and realized I was in danger if I didn't say something. I look around trying to look for a lifeguard but of course there isn't one. then a huge waves comes at me making it harder to see. 

Joshua pov

even if I don't like  babysitting a child this sun is definitely giving me a nice tan. But Sejeong hasn't come out of the water in awhile.

I take off my sunglasses and try to look for her. when I see a small person around the big rocks waving her hand it was Sejoeng!!

I look around seeing if there any life guard "help she's in danger anyone?!" I yell. "ah ish" I groan and run quickly near the rocks and dive inside.

sejeong pov

I couldnt even see anything, I close my eyes and mouth shut so I don't swallow any salt water.

 I let out another cry "he.ksjfe..lp" I shouted once more. when I felt someone grab my waist. I try to take a glimpse and see Joshua!?

Joshua safety carries me to shore "are you crazy you could have died are you stupid" he yelled.

after coughing out most of the water I look at him and see many cuts from from all the rocks.

 "are you okay" I asked grabbing his arm seeing all the deep cuts. He quickly pulls his arm "I am fine. so much for being a professional swimmer" he rolled his eyes.

we walk back to our room "ill be right back you go ahead and shower first" I said motioning him to keep walking. right as he went up the elevators and walked to the nearest convince store and bought bandages and ointment. 

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