chapter 10

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*self harm*

Sejeong kept running and running until she found herself in the kitchen.

she collapsed onto her knees, screaming and yelling in pain.

tears fell down her face,

while Sejeong wondered why she is still alive.

she slowly looks around and sees a couple of knifes.

Sejeong pov

"I don't belong here. Joshua is probably better off without me anyways." sejoeng thought to herself and kept crying about the pain.

she closes her eyes and slowly points the the knife towards herself5herself. Causing a small cut where blood was dripping down.

Joshua pov

"Sejeong what are you doing!!" I yelled seeing her crying while holding a knife. I rush towards her and grab the knife out of her hand. When I was trying to grab the knife out of her hand it accidentally gave me a cut.

sejeong finally snaps out of her senses. she finally looks up and sees Joshua hands was bleeding

"Joshua oh my gosh, I am so sorry. are you okay?" I asked grabbing his hand. Joshua wraps his arms around me " what are you doing?? I am sorry I wasn't there for you. Are you okay?!" Joshua comforted.

Sejoeng pov

I cry on his sweater while grabbing his sweater tight feeling guilty. "I am sorry i.. just wanted you to be happy and not worry about me" I stuttered crying heavily.

Joshua lets go and places his hand on my shoulders " Sejeong no matter what people say. i will always choose you and protect you" Joshua smiled. She smiled feeling loved.

"wait your hand, lets go to the hospital" I said worriedly. Joshua smiles " okay lets go you cut yourself a bit too anyway".


"thank you" Joshua thanked the doctor.

while we were walking back through the dark alleyways. "do you want me to sue all those girls who hurt you" Joshua teased. I push his arm giggling.

we walk in silence when we encountered a woman.

"oh my is that you Joshua hong" she pointed surprised.

Joshua looked at me confused not remembering who she is. "we went to the same high school. its me Jessica" she said tying to convince Joshua.

"ohhh Jessica. ah long time no see" he remembered.

"your with your friend" Jessica questioned. I look at her confused then look back at Joshua hoping he would say something.

before he was about say something Jessica hopped to his side leaning on his shoulder.

"you know. I had a little crush on you for awhile. why don't we hang out?" she said giving him the puppy eyes. I cough at how conniving Jessica was. when Joshua lightly pushed Jessica hand away and held my hand.

I start blushing looking at my hand. then Joshua looked up "sorry jess, but I have a girlfriend that I love already so no thank you" he winked walking away with me.

when we were far enough from her I look at Joshua narrowing my eyes.

"hmm I am your beautiful girlfriend that you love" I teased him. Joshua rolls his eyes "am I wrong?" crossing his arm embarrassed facing the other way.

"Joshua" I said

Joshua turns around when his face was still light pink.

I cup his face and give him a light kiss on the lips. When I let go I back up a bit scared to see what his reaction might be.

Joshua smiles and grabs my waist bringing me closer to him.

not even an inch away from each other

"I love you" Joshua confessed. I stare at his beautiful eyes then say " I love you too".

Joshua smiles and pushed his lips onto me. we kiss eachother falling deeply in love with each other.

the end

*might have a squeal* so stay tuned:)))

thank you to everyone who has read this new book. Hope you enjoyed!!

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