chapter 5

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After I said that his face started relaxing a bit I ran outta the room and grabbed my bag and jacket and ran outside. It was raining so i stayed close to the house just to let go of my feelings.

When I knew no one was around I released all my tears out and started crying my heart out.

Joshua pov

I see Seojoeng running outside. I did feel bad but she doesn't know the reason yet. I wanna tell her but i am not ready. I felt so exhausted I decided she needed some alone time so I went back to my room and tried to sleep.

Sejeong pov

2:52 am

After crying I quietly headed back inside the dark living room and slept on the couch. I ended my night by crying more deeply on my pillow.

Next morning

Wake up!!

I wake up and see Dk shaking me "your gonna be late for your vacation" he cheered. I groan in frustration "what's wrong" he asked. I sit back up and smile "nothing i am just excited".

I grab my luggage and head out. When I see Joshua waiting "hurry up our flights at 10:40 am" he hurried. I didn't want to fight with him more so I got in the car.

"Do you want coffee on the way there?" he asked. I nod while we drove to the drive thru and got our iced americanos.


"Seems like our parents got us first class seats" he pointed to our seats. I sit down and put on my eye mask and start sleeping. Halfway through our plane ride I woke up and saw Joshua sleeping. I wanted to punch his face but at the same time I wanted to ask why he hated me so much. 


We arrived at Jeju island and went to our hotel room. "Do you need anything?" joshua asked while laying down. "No its fine i am gonna head to the pool though" i said while putting on my swimming suit.

"Okay I am coming too" he jumped. I roll my eyes but we both head to the pool. Surprisingly there were not many people so we both went inside the hot tub.

"Ahhh this is nice" he smiled. I wanted to say something but i don't know if it was the right timing but "joshua if you really want when we get married will just act like a couple in front of others but in real life we will just live our separate lives" i suggested.

He looked at me then closed his eyes "if that's what you want i guess" he mumbled.

"I am gonna go back to the room" I softly said while leaving the hot tub. "I'll come with you," he said. But i stopped him "i wanna go by myself leave me alone" i alerted him and left.

I take a warm shower and change into my lounge wear. The fact I really thought Joshua and I could make this work and live happy is just crazy for me. I chuckled.

I was feeling a bit hungry so I went down to the lobby of the cafe and saw Joshua. "Sejong, can we talk?" Joshua asked. I try to ignore him but he grabs me by the hand "come on" and drags me out on the beach.

It was pretty cold. "here i brought beer and a blanket" while wrapping the blanket over me. I smiled then noticed he looked cold too "here you'll get a cold" putting the blanket over both of us. 

We stare out in the sky while drinking our beer, "sejong i am sorry '' Joshua apologized

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We stare out in the sky while drinking our beer, "sejong i am sorry '' Joshua apologized. I look at joshua widening my eyes "i can't believe i am telling you this i've never even told anyone even Dk" he giggled.

I wait for his answer "the reason i got mad at you was because those songs i wrote were for a girl i truly loved but she cheated on me with my friend" he said while facing up.

Before i was going to say something "i am sorry you're in this mess, after she hurt me i've been really cautious towards new people, especially women," he explained. I look at him and see the pain in his eyes and smile "i am sorry you were hurt like and i accept your apology" smiling at him.

We head back to our room "I call the bed" Joshua jumping on the only bed. I let out a heavy sign and grabbed blankets and pillows and dragged myself to the couch. "Goodnight" we both said.

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