chapter 3

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"Hey why are your cheeks so red" Min-young asked, poking my face. I snap out of my daydream about what Joshua said to me. "Huh-yea i'll tell you later" and we biked back to our shop.


"Your back how was it" my grandpa smiled, Min-young started talking "holy, all the new interns were so fine i even met this guy named Hoshi and we exchanged numbers" she squealed.

I looked at her in shock "oh my gosh lucky" I huffed. "What about you? Did you meet any cute boys'' she mysteriously smirked.

"This guy named Joshua looked so perfect but he acts so stubborn," I replied. My grandfather smiled seeing how happy we looked. "It sounds like you both had a blast" he smiled.


After simping over our favourite boys I got a text message from my mom.

"Honey you should come home and get ready we're leaving at 7 pm"

"Oh right grandpa!! I need to head to the dinner with mom and dad" i hurried and picked up my bag. I gave them both a hug and waved goodbye.


As soon as i got home i went to my room and put on my dress. Then went to my vanity and put on some makeup. I looked at myself in the mirror and felt pretty for once in a while.

"Seojeong let's go" my mom alerted. We got inside the car and headed to some new fancy restaurant.


"It seems we're early, " my father exclaimed. We all sat down, but I excused myself to the bathroom. I made sure my dress, hair and makeup looked perfect. Then walked back to our table and saw the Hong family.

"Oh you're finally here" my mother said. I give her a smile and then see..

 "Joshua?!" I asked blinking twice to make sure. "Seojeong?!" he coughed, choking on his water.

"Oh you guys know each other that's great" Ms.Hong questioned.

I give him a glare  "yes we met once by coincidence" trying to give her a fake smile.

i sat down and started poking my mother "mom i can't marry this guy" i whispered, she just gave me a glare. I immediately stop and continue with our talk.

"Seojeong you're definitely more beautiful than the pictures we saw" she joked around.

"Thank you Ms.Hong" I politely smiled.

After talking about their sales and business. "So Seojeong why don't you and Jisoo have a little vacation to get closer than you will have your wedding and then your real honeymoon?" Mr.Hong suggested.

I choke on my food and accidentally spilled water on myself "ah-ish sorry let me excuse myself, i'll be right back" i hurried to the bathroom.

I wiped the water off my dress and looked in the mirror "i don't wanna marry Joshua he's gonna make my life a living hell" i mumbled. I decided to head back and I see Joshua standing in the hall.

I walked up to him "what are you doing here" I asked. "I just wanted to tell you I will never marry someone so clumsy like you" he hissed.

I look at him in shock "like I want to marry you". We glared at eachother then decided to head back "alright Seojeong and Joshua, what do you think about the idea" Mr.Hong asked once again.

Before I was about to say no Joshua the "perfect son" interrupted me "of course father it's a great idea I can't wait to get closer with Seojeong" he smiled at me.

Both of our moms were very excited while I started kicking Joshua's feet under the table glaring at him. All he did was give me his wicked yet hot smile and wink.

While both our parents headed out together scheduling the vacation. Joshua comes up to me, near enough that I can feel his warm breathing.

"forgot to ask you this but you sure you don't wanna marry a guy like me" he smirked. Is he trying to tease or show off he's so annoying. "Of course i dont wanna marry you besides i bet you have a bunch of hot girlfriends already" I fought back , pushing his chest.


"Mom i dont wanna marry him," I begged.

"You must it's the best for our family and for yourself".- Mom

"I wanna marry someone I feel like is my soulmate, not some arranged marriage"I start tearing up.

"You're never there for me or grandpa, yet he's always there for me. Why do i have to live this way because of you!!" I cried.

My parents sat there in shock not knowing what to say "how dare you yell at your mother" my father argued. I give them one more look of devastation then run to my room and lock the door.

I start crying my eyes out when I see a paper note that slipped under my door.


I am sorry you feel this way your father and I truly do love you and always will. We know this will be a great life for you so please accept it. Your father is already exhausted. Please, you can help our family.

We love you.

-mom and dad

We used to always slip letters like this underneath each other's doors, when we were upset with each other instead of talking it out at first, I truly did miss that. I guess i have to cooperate with him so my father feels better. 

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