chapter 9

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after going to stores and Joshua finishing his work we finally headed back home.

"How are you feeling," Joshua asked looking at me while driving. "I am fine right now today was fun" I smiled. Joshua smiled feeling relieved "glad to hear".

"well, I am pretty sure you tired so I am gonna let you rest," Joshua said putting his bag away. I nod and head to my room, it was pretty quiet that night and I couldn't fall asleep.

"I wonder if Joshua is awake," I thought to myself. after 20 minutes of staring at the ceiling, I decided to go downstairs to have a glass of water.

I turn on the lights and see Joshua "hey what are you doing still awake" I asked. "I couldn't sleep at all" Joshua groaned. "same" I giggled, as I was grabbing a glass of water Joshua was sitting on the counter. "if you're not sleepy wanna go outside for fresh air" Joshua suggest. "ya sure" I smiled grabbing my big hoodie.

Joshua takes me to a nearby beach. "ah" I yelled splashing the water to Joshua. " I will get you" he giggled trying to catch me.

we sit down after running crazy "this sunset is gorgeous" I awed admiring it

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we sit down after running crazy "this sunset is gorgeous" I awed admiring it. when I noticed Joshua was staring at me "you okay" I asked waving my hand over his face. Joshua snaps out of his daydream and turns towards me.

"Sejeong.." he said pausing, "you can tell me" I smiled trying not to pressure him. "thank you for everything. after my ex, I thought I'd never find anyone, but you always make me smile and always took care of me" he said expressing his feelings. I sit there shocked but thankful, I slowly look down and hold his hand. Not knowing what to say I just give him a sweet smile.

"I think I like you Sejeong" Joshua confessed. I let go of his hand surprised at his answer. just as I was about to reply Joshua reaches into his pockets and grabs out a necklace but not any necklace. It was the one I loved so much at the store "wait how did you" I asked widening my eyes. "I have my ways" he smirked putting it around me "you look beautiful" he smiled.

then Joshua gives out a heavy sigh "I know I've been horrible to you before but now I am committed to making you happy and if you don't want to accept it that's fin-" I cut of Joshua final words by hugging him "Joshua I like you too.. a lot" I finally confessed, he wraps his arms around me feeling safe.

The next day at Joshua office
as usual, we go to Joshua's office, I was sitting down watching him organize the clothing pieces. once again the feeling of huge butterflies rush through my body "he's so handsome" I mumbled.

  once again the feeling of huge butterflies rush through my body "he's so handsome" I mumbled

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Joshua turns around hearing me "why thank you" he laughed. I cover myself with my bag feeling embarrassed that he heard me. "sending could you get me a croissant the cafe is in the lobby" Joshua asked focusing on his work. "okay I was hungry anyways" I winked.

I go down the elevator and see many girls at the reception table being blocked by security guards. "you witch how could you steal Joshua" one yelled throwing a water bottle at me. the security rushes towards me "apologizes miss these girls are just jealous about the situation" he bowed. "don't worry ill handle myself thank you" I tried smiling but inside feeling upset.

I leave the building to go to the cafe, I sit down waiting for the food when 4 girls come up to me. I look up from my phone "may I help you" I asked.

"you're that girl who's marrying Joshua hong" one pointed at me demanding an answer. with no hesitation, I get up and looked them in the eye dead serious "yes and if you have any negative thing to say I won't be listening to them" I hissed.

when I realize that there were not 4 but 5 girls, I notice the one at the back looked so familiar but couldn't recall who. she finally walks in front of me "how are you nerd" she laughed. it was Sarah the girl In high-school who always bullied me.

"what do you want," I asked rolling my eyes. she scoffs in disbelief "why are you marrying my boyfriend?" she huffed.

then I remembered everything she was that girl who kissed Joshua. but she was his ex "you mean ex-boyfriend" I coughed. "you little- why don't you work at the shop with your grandpa and stay out of this" she snapped. I look at her annoyed with all her terrible roasts when she started laughing.

"Sorry, your grandfather died right that old man looked crusty just like you" she laughed giving a high five to her friend. I stand there furious, how dare she say that about my grandfather. "anyways just know your place and go back to your grandfather not here with Joshua" she smirked then walked away.

I look up blinking hard trying not to shed a tear, I quickly grab Joshua's croissant and go back to the building where the annoying teenagers were. "she's back!! you witch" one yelled throwing water on me. the security then quickly grabbed her by the arm "you must leave now" he ordered and dragged her outside.

thankfully it wasn't a lot of water so I just kept walking. I get on the elevator and walked to Joshua's office.

when I entered inside Joshua was on a phone call with someone which ended right as I came in. "thank you kick them all out" Joshua demanded then ran to me "Sejeong are you okay the security told me everything, are your hurt, what happened" he asked worriedly.

I give him a weak smile "Joshua I need some alone time when your done come to the shop" I muttered grabbing my bags. "wait I will come with you" he blurted trying to organize his files, I walk to him and hug him "just take care of everything here first then you can come besides I wanna be alone for a bit" I said.

Joshua understood and walked me downstairs at least.


I turn on the lights and slowly look around the shop. I start imagining and seeing when my grandpa and I used to always eat our favourite hotteok and would laugh at his terrible jokes.

without seeing myself I start crying heavy and heavier the more I thought of my grandpa. Then started thinking about horrible thoughts that I should never think about but overshadowed everything I had in my mind even Joshua.

Joshua pov

I finally finish my meeting with my intern team and all I kept thinking about was Sejeong if she's okay. I quickly pack my things and drove to her shop. I arrive to the shop and go inside "sejeong" I yelled looking around. when I hear crying coming from the kitchen in the back.

"Sejeong what are you doing" I yelled

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