chapter 7

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Sejeong pov

I run back to the hotel in tears, all soaked from the rain and start packing my bags. when Joshua walks in "Sejeong?! we need to talk" he explained.

I give him no answer and continue packing my bags "Sejeong listen to me" he begged again.

I turn around and look straight at him trying to hold back my tears but fail too.

"what huh?! first you leave me and go to your ex which she kissed you then leave me which I got harassed- never mind lets just go home" I said regret saying that.

Joshuas eyes widen "wait you were harassed what happened who?!" Joshua asked grabbing my arm checking to see if I'm okay.

I let go quickly "no I wasn't pack your things lets go home" I demanded. Joshua was to tired from all the dramas and packed his things

arrive home

we arrive to Joshua home which apparently I have to stay here from now on. "I am going upstairs don't bother me" I said pissed off. Joshua rolls his eyes surprised how mad she is.

when Dk knocked on the door, "hey Sejeong you okay?" he carefully asked opening the door. I get up and lift my arms up asking for a hug, he quickly jumped over and gave me a comforting hug.

after Dk comforted me I tell him the whole story of what happened. instead of him agreeing with me I get an unexpected question.

"did you give a chance for Joshua to explain" he asked. I look down and realized that"ill talk to him soon just not now" I said feeling guilty.

"why don't we go to the shop and see Min-young and your grandpa I bet they missed you" he reassured me. A small smile appears on my face. I grabbed my bag and Dk arm to hurry and go to the shop.


"grandpa?! Min-young?!" we yelled searching around the empty store when someone scared us "Sejeong your back I missed you" min-young cheered giving me a hug.

I ask her where she went "oh I was getting water for your grandpa" she smiled. then looked beside me and saw Dk "Ahhh DK your back too, I missed you crazy" she giggled hugging Dk.

while Dk and Min-young were catching up I go to the back of the store where I assumed grandpa was. I open the door with my arms open wide ready for our hug "Grandpa!! I am back I missed you..." my huge smile started slowly fading away.

I saw my grandpa on the ground collapsed, I quickly crouch down beside him "grandpa stop joking around wake up" I said lighting shaking him seeing if he's joking. But this time he didn't move at all "grandpa!! don't do this to me!!!" I cried.

Dk and Min-young run inside hearing the scream where they see my grandpa unconscious and me crying for help. Dk rushes to call the ambulance for help.

"grandpa! please you can't leave me too I will have no one" I cried once more but still no response..


I wait in the waiting room with Min-young and Dk. while Dk was talking to the nurse asking when we might know if he's okay, while Min-Young calls my parents about the situation.

when the doctor finally came out, I rush towards him "doctor he's okay right please tell me he's gonna be okay" I beg crying my eyes out.

he opens his mouth "I am sorry mam.." before he continued I dropped on my knees and put my hands over my eyes knowing he's gone. "no grandpa!!!" I cried loudly. "your grandpa was dealing with a serious heart attack and sadly we couldn't save him this time" the doctor explained then walked away.

"doctor wait, could I see him one more time" I asked. he nodded his head "you and your family can see him for an hour then we must move him" the doctor bowed leaving.

Dk and Min-young help me walk to his bed. I saw my grandpa the person who was always there for me and was almost like a 3rd parent to me.

I sit down trying my hardest to hold back my tears then slowly hold his hand. "grandpa.. thank you for always being the light in my life. I will always love.. you.. goodbye" I stutter saying those last words as all I felt was pain and emptiness.

the curtains open where my parents and Joshuas parents arrived. My parents stand there in sorrow while Ms.hong walks up to me giving me a hug "its gonna be alright hunny I am so so sorry" she comforted me.

all I felt in that situation was pain and anger. if only my mother just let grandpa live with us he might have lived a healthier and a longer life. I could have been able to say my final goodbyes at least.

"Sejeong are you okay" my mother asked trying to hold my hand. I push her away as all the anger rushes through me "if only you let grandpa stay with us he could have been treated properly and this would have never happened" I yelled.

my mother stands there in shock as well as my father. I realize I should have never said that

"I am sorry mom it just came out, I just can't believe grandpa is gone"I apologized. my mother who was about to tear up gives me a hug "its okay and I am sorry but I am also heartbroken too" she explained.

I give her a weak smile and sit back down.

"where's Joshua he should be here with you when your going through this" Mr.hong asked looking around.

I look up "that man I can't" I scoff looking down. "what's wrong what did he do" Mr hong asked once again.

I stand up ready to blow everything up "ha Joshua was there for me? because of him our so called "vacation" was ruined. I was harassed, got soaked from rain and then I see him with his ex kissing yea I am okay" I cried again but this time heavier and deeper.

I didn't want to get him trouble but I couldn't keep doing this. Mr.hongs eyes widen as he furiously calls Joshua to come to the hospital.

"Sejeong I am sorry he never acts this way ill talk to him" he apologized for his sons action. my parents rush over to me "you never told us" my father asked in worry. "like you even cared. you made me marry him and look what happened I lost grandpa and now Joshua" I blurted.

when Joshua walk inside

"father I am here" he panted from running. "why did you not take care of Sejeong during the vacation. young man I heard everything" Mr.hong raised his voice.

Joshua starts getting anxious but furious that Sejeong broke their deal. " we will take more tomorrow take Sejeong home she needs the rest and this time you better take care of her" Mr.hong ordered.

"yes father" I bowed then took off my jacket and put it over Sejeong "lets go the car is outside" I comforted. then slowly whispered in her ear when nobody was noticing "your dead".

we walk outside to the parking lot "wow Sejeong, never knew you were such a liar. first off why are you at the hospital and why would tell them and even cry about it. Pft you're such a good actor huh" he argued. I just kept walking not answering wanting this day to end.

"hey I'll ask my acting agency to hire you. your so selfish gosh" Joshua rolled his eyes. "stop" I begged.

"or what? you're gonna put another show for my parents" he joked around not knowing what really happened to Sejeong.

I stop right there "Enough!!! your such a coward you first treat me like total garbage then you mock me when you don't even know what happened. why are you doing this to me" I cried then ran away. "hey where are you going ah-ish" he hissed.

when Dk came out of the hospital "Joshua are you stupid" he yelled.

"what" Joshua asked in confusion. Dk grabbed Joshua by his collar "how could you treat her like that especially when her grandfather just passed away!!" he snapped.

"her grandfather what..."

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