Chapter 7 :Taani's Companion

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The sun blazed into life peering through d Shekawath Mansion. In one corner of d room, d tap was pouring down d water into bath-tub. Taani hummed removing her clothes and slumped into d mild water. D soapy bubbles concealed soaking her naked body in relaxation. Every event fled as filmy tape in her mind. Everything was at stake. Her sister had been killed by anonymous. She is stuck in d world which doesn't belong to her. If these problems aren't supposed to be solved yet, a new big trouble had placed in her way. A DOUBT on Ash! She slapped her thoughts whole night trying to defend Ash wasn't d one who killed Taanz. But at d same time, d similar locket which d killer used in murdering Taanz was hanging on Ash. She was confused to evaluate this riddle. D shower sprinkled cleaning her foamy body. She slipped out of d shower and snuggled into white bath-robe.

Ash killed me? No way. Though we had our opinions and perspectives, she would have never thought of killing me at least.


"Have some breakfast, Jay" Pari invited, removing d baked cookies from microwave in kitchen. "No Thanks, Mrs.Shekawath" He shouted politely, his eyes seeking for d one for whom he was there. "There u go" Ash elbowed him shoving his gaze at d staircase. There she was. Taani but according to him it was Taanz. She looked specifically very enchanting. Her blonde tied in a ponytail. Unlike usual Taanz, she was decorated with simple one striped blue T-shirt with a tagline "I'M PRETTY!" and cargo shorts. Her fragile legs were glossy. Her ankles were camouflaged in sports hoes. A plain blue band covered her wrist. A 2 long rackets were hung on her backpack. She clambered down d stairs hastily. "Hey baby" Jay greeted her kissing on d cheek. Her kind smile faded in d uneasiness. Her eyes dodged across d floor, biting her lower lip. She wanted to escape from d guy's company now. "Aren't u gonna come college with me?" Jay furrowed his brow eyeing at d rackets. "She got a match with Vrush, Jay" Ash sniggered munching her sandwich on d dining table. Taani nodded avoiding his gaze. "Well, I'll drop u, then" he suggested. She wasn't sure to go with him but d disdain in his face made Taani guilty. "Ok" She accepted reluctantly.

Jay............. I pity him. He's neither able to understand it's not me or confront his doubtful issues to Taani.


"U r being very different, Taanz" Jay accelerated d car. Taani was surprised to hear. Here she was trying her best to keep everyone happy with not so her identity, yet she failed maintaining it. She stared him in silence not knowing what to respond. "I mean u r not comfortable around me. Did I do any mistake?" He asked earnestly. She felt like he smashed her with firing steel. What was his mistake? Nothing! Yet he was feeling guilty. "No" d words immediately left her mouth in despair. He looked straight at her. He could feel d nervousness in those pretty brown pupils. None did speak for a while. "Well, u can take me somewhere" Taani broke d quietness. "Evening at 5, I'm gonna pick u up at ur home" Jay smirked. Taani didn't know whether her decision was what good but she wanted to make sure not to disappoint Jay. She doesn't wanted him to identify her as Taanz, at least not until she found d culprit of her sister's death. He honked n pulled d car outside d Tennis ground. Before Jay could lean in and kiss Taani on d lips, she excused n hurried in assuring him to meet at evening. He sighed and squished back.

I'm proud of u Taani. Maybe I'm not really happy at d things going on with my sister and BF, but sure I'm proud of her strive to maintain d constant smile on Jay's face.


Taani sat on d bench waiting for Vrush's arrival. She bent down to tie d opened shoe lace. "Hey" D similar voice grasped her attention. Her heart flipped in joyous dance. A winter smile spread across her lips. She squinted beside d ground. There was a dark shadow of a person. She craned her neck and saw. It was him, d Rey Singhania. "R u sure, u aren't following me? Yesterday at d party, then in d night at my house and now here" Taani snapped with a glint of extreme mischief in her voice and eyes. He giggled smugly and acquired d empty space on d bench next to her. "Maybe yes, I'm following u" He moved closer to her face. His eyes wandered across her shuddering face and stopped at her lips. 'I'm-waiting-pick-me-up' ringtone of a cell in Taani's bag pleaded stumbling both back. "Where r u, Vrush?" Taani exasperated trembling with a thought of Rey's face so closer. What would have happened? "Sorry, babez. I gotta go out for some work. I'm really sorry I can't catch u up" Vrush apologized genuinely. "But......." Taani interrupted since she missed even her classes because of her. "C u, haan" Vrush had already hung up d phone. She sighted indignantly throwing d cell up on d bag and sniffed d air angrily. "What's wrong?" Rey was curious at her transformed mood. She explained everything. Though he was a stranger, she trusted him for some reason. Not sure y? "Oh, well. U can play with me" Rey said. She beamed feeling relief of her day not ruining in vain. "But on one condition" He added. She narrowed her eye-brow. "If I win, I'm gonna get a kiss by u" Rey smirked ridiculously. "If u don't?" Taani was impressed with his frankness though she didn't expect him asking a kiss in their 3rd meeting. But, she wasn't d one to give up. She would play against him to win. "I would give whatever u ask" He chuckled. "Done Mr.Singhania" Taani stood up lending a hand to him to get up.

Rey! Well, I really hope my after life had d choice of hiding instead of feeling flushed in these gloating figure watching my sister's romantic life.


The sun rose straight on their head, but yet they were facing each other in d battle of Tennis. Both r egoistic for good. Both wanted their wishes to be fulfilled. Rey of course was looking forward for a kiss while Taani though didn't had d idea what to ask him, she wanted to win. Both were maintaining d equal scores. Sweat beds travelled on their worked out bodies, but they weren't tired. D passion for d game and winning d challenge was all they could think of. "Taani..................." A boy yelled. Taani spun in d path of voice hurled. D boy waved with a ludicrous grin. A sudden thud echoed in d ground which was d result of Taani's racket touching d ground in hard sound. She ran ferociously and jumped into d arms of a boy. Both were embraced in a long hug like meeting after millennium years. Rey was utterly bewildered gazing at d duo. He was perplexed. He had never seen d boy with Taanz. Also he called her as Taani. What does it mean? He stood ogling at them.

Man of words. Finally, he's here. Now, I can breathe a sigh of relief. I'm sure Taani will be safe in the hands of this boy.

P.S: Waiting to read ur comments. Enjoy d update. Tell me if I want to add anything to d story. Because I want u to not petrify when d twists occur. There is something, I really mean something which u people won't be able to digest but I'll try my best to appeal it to ur expectations. 

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