Hidden Depths

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Dorothy walked into the bedroom, dropping her rope toy sadly and laying down, she had been trying to get anyone to play with her, but everyone was currently to occupied but their own activities to notice.

Except for one.

Dante peeked through the doorway and saw her laying there looking sad and bored. Dorothy was the only pup of her age, so she didn't have many playmates as most of the other pups either played with those their of their age, litter, or interest, so she often relied on Dolly or Dylan to give her the attention she needed, but today they were busy.

Somebody else needed to step up.

Dorothy stared at her toy sadly and was ready to try to sleep, but as she closed her eyes she heard footsteps from behind and saw her toy suddenly dangling above her. She stood up and looked behind to see Dante holding the other end of the rope trying to coax her into biting the other side.

"Hey Dorothy you wanna play?" Dante said through his teeth, grinning a bit, he kinda felt awkward.

Dorothy just stared at him, confused and unsure.

Even though Dorothy had been more comfortable around him since the night he comforted her after his nightmare, she was still a bit weary of him and it didn't help that Dante was rarely playful around his younger siblings, as he often spent most of his time telling predictions or just lurking in shadows, so Dorothy didn't know how to take him suddenly trying to play with her.

Dante wondered if smiling was making her uncomfortable, he actually frowned hoping it would make her feel better.

"Come on take the rope." He encouraged.

She didn't budge.

"Sigh....never mind." Dante said, he gave his best shot.

He dropped the rope and turned around hanging his head in defeat, but just as he was about to walk out he heard Dorothy's little barks and turned around to see her with the toy in her mouth, wagging her tail.

He couldn't help but smile slightly.

He grabbed the other end and pulled very slightly, being careful not to pull to hard. Dorothy tugged back, of course she was to small to pull him but he moved forward to give the feeling she was.

The tug-of-war went on for about 10 minutes until finally Dorothy let go of her end, taking a little breather.

"Getting stronger no doubt." Dante said.

Dorothy wagged her tail and jumped up sudden, grabbing Dante by his left ear with her teeth and pulling it, trying to rough play.

"Ow, heh little troublemaker." Dante said, laughing slightly.

"Giggle." Dorothy laughed.

"Oh think it's funny, well I know something funnier." Dante said.

He picked Dorothy up and laid her on her back and began tickling her around her underarms and stomach, she laughed and wiggled uncontrollably.

"Who's the funny one now." Dante said, his smiling growing a bit more.

He blew a few raspberries into her stomach, making her laugh harder, she took her two tiny front paws and playfully grabbed his nose.

He looked into her eyes, there was a twinkle in them. She looked so joyful and happy, and seeing her smile and laugh, Dante could only smile himself and for the first time in a while, he didn't care about the end of the world or making predictions, or even the fact that his stuff was gone.

At the moment, he just felt happy, enjoying the company of his youngest sister.

In the hallway, Dolly was gathering some toys for the pups downstairs, but was distracted by the sounds of laughter.

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