Into The Trash, Remebering The Past

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The day arrived and Dolly and Dylan got up as always to prepare for the day. They went into the kitchen and set the bowls out with the bowl dispenser, after which it was time to call their siblings for breakfast.

"Breakfast!" They both yelled.

"Breakfast, Breakfast, Breakfast!" All the pups yelled as they from the bedroom and into the kitchen. Dylan sat by the entrance counting them as they came.

"Ninety-four, ninety-five, ninety-six." Dylan said as he counted.

But one pup was missing once again, no guesses to who it was.

"Sigh Dante." Dylan said, a bit frustrated with his brother being late again.

He ran upstairs into the bedroom and found him still in corner, looking away.

"Dante it's breakfast time, you need to come downstairs." Dylan ordered.

"I'm not hungry." Dante said, still not looking at Dylan.

"Now Dante, we let you sleep in yesterday but you need to come down today. I know you're upset over last night, but that isn't a excuse. Dylan said, still trying to order Dante.

But Dante just laid there, refusing to budge.

"Don't make me get Mom and dad." Dylan said firmly.

Dante finally stood up.

"Ugh fine already." Dante said, annoyed.

He begrudgingly made his way to the kitchen and took his seat.

Meanwhile Dawkins turned on the kibble dispenser. Dolly took the hose and aimed it at all the food bowls until all were filled.

After the bowls were full, Doug and Delilah walked into the kitchen.

"Morning sweets." Delilah said as she took she place at the back end of the table.

"Morning mom!" All the pups said in unison, all except Dante who just glared at her.

Delilah took notice of it and frowned, but decided against saying anything to avoid drama with him. She let out a sigh, hoping in her heart that Dante would soon come around.

Doug however came up to Dante who was playing with kibble rather than eating.

"Hey there son, you feeling a little better?" Doug asked while trying to smile, hoping to make things a little better.

Dante gave a annoyed look before looking back at his kibble.

"Whatever." Dante said, unamused.

Doug frowned as it was made clear his gloomy son was still upset, sure Dante could be moody at times, but he's never been so dismissive before and it broke Doug's heart.

He pulled Dante into a hug, hoping he could make his son feel better. This time Dante didn't pull away, but he didn't return the hug either, he just sighed a bit until Doug let go and walked to his seat sadly. Dante felt a bit guilty, but at the same time, did his dad seriously think that he can solve everything with a hug?

The tension must have been felt by the rest of the family as an awkward silence loomed over the dining room. Dante noticed his siblings were looking at him, as if disappointed in him and worried. Dante tried to eat his kibble in hopes of ignoring it all, but then he noticed Deepak near the front corner where Dolly and Dylan were sitting, but unlike the rest he guilty and sad.

Dante could feel his heart breaking seeing his little brother upset, he knew he would need to eventually apologize to Deepak.

After everyone was done, Dolly and Dylan took all the bowls and cleaned up while Doug and Delilah got ready to head out for work.

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