Author's Note: Announcement/Survey

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A/N: Hello, my good little children, who actually decided to read the author's note~ Please read until the end since I have a survey I'd like you all to answer! 

Today, I have an announcement to make, because I think a lot of you guys have asked me this before~

Will I be writing a second story once 'Another Life, Another Me' is done?


Well, at first, I was only planning on writing 'Another Life, Another Me' for fun on Wattpad! I expected to only be able to write for maybe ten weeks, get bored, and then give up like how most people do...


Writing has become a huge part of my weekly life and I honestly can't imagine what I would do in my spare time if I didn't have a story to create~

So, a few months ago, I decided to make a deal with myself.

If I managed to get a million reads, I would write a second story. It was a simple, secret promise I made to myself. At the time, I probably had around 600k reads, so I honestly didn't expect that I'd actually make it to 1M reads...

But, in the end, I did~

In other words, yes, I, ktphm2005, promise to write a second story once 'Another Life, Another Me" is completed. Hehe~


When will my second story be published?

Expect it to be out months after 'Another Life, Another Me' ends~ Since I'm a student, it would be impossible for me to write two stories at the same time...So, don't expect me to write it anytime soon~ Hahaha~

Will my second story be a sequel to 'Another Life, Another Me'?

The short answer is, no, it probably won't be. Since I had already planned this story's plot from beginning to end literally years ago, I can't imagine being able to write a whole nother story as a continuation to this one. It would be too difficult...(I can only write the same story for so long, guys!)

What will my second story be about then?

Well, since I only recently found out that I would be writing a second story a few days ago, I haven't actually planned out the storyline very well yet.

All I can confirm is that it will definitely be a romance~ I'm currently debating on whether to add more...mature...themes to my new story, but I'll think about it. And...that's about all.

And now...

I have a survey for you all!

There are a few questions I want to ask you all to see what type of story you guys would like to see if you were interested in reading my second story~! Don't worry, the questions are very simple! 

All you need to do is to comment on the answer you prefer~ Answer honestly and try not to follow any popular answers if you don't want to!

Are you ready?

Okay, let's begin!!


Qu. #1: What type of romance would you prefer?

A) Contemporary Romance!

B) Fantasy Romance!

C) I'd rather have both~ Contemporary Fantasy!


Qu. #2: How many male leads should there be?

A) Give me them all~ Reverse harem!

B) Harems have no charm~ One male lead only!

C) I'd rather have both~ Reverse harem with one main ML!


Qu. #3: How much drama do you want?

A) Give me all of the drama. I love drama. Let 'em suffer!

B) My heart can't handle too much drama! Just a little is good.

C) Screw drama. Wholesomeness is all that matters!


Qu. #4: Do you want it to be a villainess story, like this one?

A) Yeah! I love those types of stories!

B) I've read so many of those before...I want something different.

C) Surprise me, ktphm2005~ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


Qu. #5: What point of view do you like best?

A) First-Person POV is the best! (Female Lead's POV)

B) First-Person POV is the best! (Male Lead's POV)

C) Third-Person POV! Let's have the whole thing together~


Qu. #6: How much character growth do you want?

A) Why is this a question? Duh. Give me the character growth!

B) Eh...Make the main character special somehow...

C) We love Mary Sue's.


Qu. #7: Would you be okay with a tragedy?



C) Surprise me, ktphm2005~ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


Qu. #7: How do you feel about mature themes (ex. gore/rape/abuse)

A) Yes! Stuff like that makes a story interesting!!

B) Eh...It makes me uncomfortable, but I'm okay with it!!

C) No...I don't like stories like that...


Qu. #8: How fast should the romance be?

A) It better be as FAST as possible! I can't take slow romance!!

B) Go at a normal pace...! (ex. holding hands on ch. 10, kissing on ch. 20)

C) I like slow romances! They make my heart beat much faster!!


Qu. #9: Would you be willing to read my story if it were a paid story?

A) I love you...but I'm broke.

B) Yes! If you wrote a paid story, I would give you all of my money!

C) Depends on the type of story you write~


Qu. #10: Last question! How do you feel today~?

A) I feel great! (Comment why~)

B) Eh...Today is okay, I guess? (Comment why~)

C) I don't feel so great... (Comment why~)


Alright, that's it for my survey! Thank you for taking part in it~ I really appreciate it and it helps a lot!!

I will take all answers into consideration, but in the end, the one who will be making the final decision will be me~ Answers will only influence my decisions, but won't decide them!

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this author's note and answer the quick survey! I love you all and I hope you have a great day, so please stay safe~

Okie byeee!

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