48. An Upcoming Storm

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Our entire class was silent.

The only one who was actually making any noise at all...was Mr. Maso.

And Mr. Maso was licking my shoes.

"Kick me...Please..." Mr. Maso begged as he blissfully drowned in shame and embarrassment.

"Get off of me, you disgusting masochistic pedophile!" I yelled as I tried to shake him off of me.

"Ah...Verbal harassment...So perfect...So good..." Mr. Maso squealed as he continued to grasp onto my leg without letting go.

I think a part of my brain was malfunctioning at this point.

"Master~" Mr. Maso purred.

Something inside of me snapped.

That's it.

I've had enough.

I channeled all of my strength into my free leg and gave the guy exactly what he wanted.

With one swift motion, I took my leg and kicked him as hard as I could.

A giant boom could be heard the moment my foot made contact with his jaw and his whole body went flying.

Blood could be seen squirting out of his nose as he flew away from me as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

"A-Are you okay...Cordelia...?" Ace asked from afar.

Ace was smart.

If he came anywhere near me...I would've accidentally punched his face on reflex.

"I'm okay...physically. If you're asking whether I'm mentally okay...well...the answer is no," I replied back with a sigh.

"So...good...yes. Again...kick me...again..." Mr. Maso cried out from where he was.


I shuddered.

Throughout my life, I have met plenty of creepy people.

But this...

...was just a whole new level of creepy that I neither needed nor wanted in my life.

"A female student...is glaring at me...Ah~" Mr. Maso gasped when he noticed my dark expression.

"...Ace...Do you think I'll get in trouble if I murder Mr. Maso right now?" I asked him with complete seriousness.

"...Cordelia...I understand that you are upset...But...maybe killing him isn't the right solution," Ace answered with a small awkward chuckle.

"...You're right. Maybe killing him isn't the best thing to do...in front of so many people. I should kill him quietly when no one is looking..." I muttered underneath my breath so no one could hear.

"K-Kill me? I don't want to die...but...Ah~ Maybe...you'll torture me first...right~?" Mr. Maso drooled as he thought of a million different possibilities.

The crazed look in his eyes and his flushed sweaty face sent shivers down my spine and, to put into simpler terms, I had never been more creeped out in my life.

"Mr. Maso...I'm going to say this as nicely as possible...okay...? But can you go jump into a pit of fire and get away from me...please...?" I said through gritted teeth as I tried to hold myself back from beating him up.

"Ah~! Fire! I didn't think of that...Master...you are a genius!" Mr. Maso claimed as he spat everywhere with a large grin.

"...I am NOT your "master" okay?! Why are you calling me that?! Do you want me to rip your head off?!" I yelled.

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