Special: Mercy to the Twins (Part 2)

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A/N: Apparently, yes, there will be a third part to this special. I didn't want to rush through this special and decided to take my time with it.

In the next chapter, you can expect to see what the twins think about Cordelia at school~

Also, for a slight warning, this chapter contains themes of murder, rape, and mental issues.

Okie, please enjoy the chapter~


As the maid imagined her murder plans to herself, the twins listened in horror.

On the other hand, Sin had jumped below the twins' bed to hide from the maid.

"Young masters, I must inform you that we will have a few guests arriving next week," the maid said politely with a bow.

"...Who will be our guests...?" Lin and Min asked as they feigned ignorance.

"Marquis and Marquess Scott are visiting along with your father to discuss some business topics," the maid informed them.

"Father...is coming too...?" the twins asked as their eyes widened.

"Yes...he is. Please be sure to be on your best behavior," the maid smiled as she bowed once more.

After a few moments of disbelief, the boys looked to each other.

They had never met their father before.

"Ah...These poor twins...They don't even know that their father has ordered me to kill them...And they look so happy...What a shame," the maid thought to herself with a sigh.

At the exact moment when the maid thought these exact words...every hope of having a happy family within the twins' hearts completely shattered and melted away into dust.

Every night, they had dreamt of having a family that cared for them.

But, now, they understood that it would never happen the way they wanted to.

A 'happy family' would simply never be an option for them.

No words left the twins' mouths as they realized how foolish their false hope was.


Everyone around them was dirty.

"Why...are...they visiting?" the twins murmured as they faced the maid once again.

"Marquis Scott has recently remarried, so he wishes to introduce his new wife to our family. At the same time, Master Trinity hopes to create an alliance with the Marquis regarding trade," the maid said.

"This might be my last night having to hear these two...I should relish it. Although...these disgusting brats are still annoying to hear. Thank goodness Master Trinity offered me a promotion if I killed them in secret," the maid thought to herself.

Neither of the twins cried.

They didn't need to anymore.

After all, they had already wasted enough tears while crying themselves to sleep every night.

Their father wanted them dead.

Even if they ran, they would be captured and killed on the spot.

They didn't have the strength to escape.

"...We're so excited for tomorrow," both of the twins smiled to the maid.

Of course, their smiles were completely fake.

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